serious assault last night

Glad to hear he's going to be OK. Does anyone know how or why this even happened?
You also have , in my opinion , the faux rasta ( allbeit without dreads)
You MUST post this in and el argentino.
Im sure all the other papers and news will pick up on it.
Beleive you me , I used the press to the fullest extend in my favor to get these squatter/criminals out of my house .
Good luck , and good work
El Duderino said:
Glad to hear he's going to be OK. Does anyone know how or why this even happened?

No idea, but can't you just imagine? Superbowl Sunday. Mix of expats and Argentines. Alcohol. Someone starts talking s**t about someone else's country or how American football is such a joke compared to rugby. Or how rugby players are fags because they like to put their heads up each other's butts. You've got big dudes who have physically and mentally big heads. And it goes too far. Mostly alcohol though, obviously.
allcraz said:
Or how rugby players are fags because they like to put their heads up each other's butts.

you should have used your "inside voice" for this one...
AndrewWoodward said:
Any update you can give us beyond what's known here?
It all kicked off in the bar Coliseo in Palermo,the attackers were very drunk and started throwing beer over a member of the BAPC staff,who obviously took offence to that and tried to calm things down,at which point tables,chairs amd glasses went flying and the staffer(M)was attacked,rushed to hospital,and now is out of danger and recuperating at home,thankfully..

ps thanks for all your help BA Expatters:)
That's right....They also delete the most recent messages, and the guy had a picture right in the Bar were the fight started...obviosly, he deleted the picture too.
If these idiots don't go to jail for what they did, especially considering the evidence, I'm going to be very upset.