Thanks, Captain Obvious!
I almost fell out of my chair! The main reason anyone goes into anything is financial.
Thanks, Captain Obvious!
Prostitution is based more on instinctual behaviors than social indoctrination. There are even documented cases of prostitution in animals.
It is not simply a case of "retraining men's bad behavior".
With the emergence of the Political Correctness movement this is going to make a lot of people angry - as I have learned on other subjects that violated the tenants of political correctness.
Anyway I will refrain from elaborating on this further in order to limit the venom heading my way on this issue.![]()
I think it's pretty clear the main reason women go into prostitution is financial.
Guys, you are in a mistake, he is Captaing naive.
I suggest this reading about a report from UN about how trafficking mafia works in Argentina with dominican women with children.
Nearly 1,000 of the 1,154 past or present human societies ever studied--and these include most of the world's "hunter-gatherer" societies--have permitted a man to have more than one wife. These are the closest things we have to living examples of the "ancestral environment"--the social context of human evolution, the setting for which the mind was designed. The presumption is that people reared in such societies--the !Kung San of southern Africa, the Ache of Paraguay, the 19th century Eskimo--behave fairly "naturally." More so, at least, than people reared amid influences that weren't part of the ancestral environment: TVs, cars, jail time for bigamy.
There are vanishingly few anthropological examples of systematic female polygamy, or polyandry--women monopolizing sexual access to more than one man at once. So, while both sexes are prone under the right circumstances to infidelity, men seem much more deeply inclined to actually acquire a second or third mate--to keep a harem.
They are also more inclined toward the casual fling. Men are less finicky about sex partners. Prostitution--sex with someone you don't know and don't care to know--is a service sought overwhelmingly by males the world round. And almost all pornography that relies sheerly on visual stimulation--images of anonymous people, spiritless flesh--is consumed by males.
A study conducted by the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, and published online in the Public Library of Science, found support for the meat-for-sex behaviour hypothesis, according to which, in early human societies the best male hunters had the maximum number of sexual partners. Researchers observed chimpanzees in theTaï National Park and concluded that a form of prostitution exists among the chimpanzees in which females offer sex to males in exchange for meat. According to Cristina Gomes of the Institute, the study "strongly suggests that wild chimpanzees exchange meat for sex, and do so on a long-term basis".[sup][6][/sup]