So if you had a chance to bring 5 things with you to BA

Lucas said:
Shampoo, any type to avoid loosing your last surviving bunch of hair.
Bottled water if you want to keep whatever teeth you have left.
And more patience than understanding of what is going around.

You are scarring me!
PhilipDT said:
This thread is funny. Wine Glasses? Towels? Seriously?

Steak knives are a must - the locals tear the filet-mignon with their bare teeth.

Also, don't forget your malaria pills, your yellow fever vaccine, and a bag of colored beads to trade with the natives.;)
SaraSara said:
Steak knives are a must - the locals tear the filet-mignon with their bare teeth.

Also, don't forget your malaria pills, your yellow fever vaccine, and a bag of colored beads to trade with the natives.;)
The natives have gone upscale...they prefer Rolexes and LV hand bags
I was told here on TV that the Italians and the ex pats kicked all the natives out in to the wilderness? an no one wants an LV bag when you can get an Hermes in town!
1. An ATM card that does not charge foreign transaction fees (TD Bank)
2. PC, netbook and ipod
3. Good walking/running shoes
4. Any medication you take
5. Vonage phone

Hope your find this list is useful!
