Social Unrest And Looting In Bariloche...

I do have to laugh at the absolute incongruity of a gov't that points out "Clarin miente!" when in fact, the cornerstone of this gov't is its absolute inability to tell the truth about well..pretty much everything. Unless of course you believe that Repsol went from outstanding corp citizen to evil corp overnight, that inflation is under 10%, that the 6 pesos a day per person for food is a reasonable estimate for poverty, that things are better off economically than they were, etc, etc.

And for those that do believe it, well as someone else said, enjoy the kool-aid!
In my opinion the roots of all these problems throughout the S.A. continent (which express themselves with especial virulence in Argentina) are deep in the hispanic culture with it's endemic and intractable agression, predation, recklessness, selfishness and dishonesty. I suspect 800 years of Islamic conquest througout Iberia had some influence as well. As a result Spanish and Portugese Christianity and secular culture had to have become shifted toward the norms of middle ages Islam which encouraged conversion by violence and deception sanctioned by God. That would explain a lot about the church-sanctioned violence and exploitation that is the history of the "new world" and it's chaotic legacy that we can observe every day.

The Argentines (Porteños anyway) with their anachronistic obsession with the benefits of Freudian analysis and their compulsive pseudo-intellectual attachment to internationally discredited neo-Marxian theory in addition to all their other aforementioned cultural baggage are prime examples of their inherited tendency toward dysfunction. Some of the worst on the continent in my experience. That's why I'm gone for good.

Spain did not only occupy South America, among others they also occupied my country Belgium, California, Texas, Florida etc, so by your logic all these places must be screwed up too. Good to know that if I am screwed up, it is the fault of the Spanish, who in turn have been screwed up by Muslims, who are inspired by one single person. What a naughty guy he must have been to screw us all.

About the sad state of Argentina however, I think Italian culture is to blame rather than Spanish culture. As I said before, I identify 2 unconstructive behavioural traits in Argentinians: trying to avoid responsibility and a missunderstwnding of trade. People have a zero-sum mentality towards the economy, so instead of providing a service to get another service in exchange and create wealth, they tend to focus on taking and not giving, since giving would imply a loss in a zero-sum mentality.

These cultural traits may have laziness as underlying reason. It seems easy not to worry about responsibility or giving. That also explains some sympathy for communism: Italians/Argentinians would love others to work for them, without bothering how to contribute themselves.
the medias, in this case, are playing a role they shouldn't play (dilemma above: to talk or not about those lootings) while they are not playing a role they should (to inform is not just showing explicit pictures, it should also be about providing a deeper understanding, etc.)

Politically correct media do not exist. Remember the last war with Iraq, where the US media were heavily coloured and US citizens would not notice, so they would not protest the war, whereas everone else knew. That was a big PR-blunder wasn't it. After World War II, Germans also said "wir haben es nicht gewüsst". Suggesting that media should play a role, could be abused to make the manipulation worse. Rather than changing media, people should be educated to be critical of what they hear.
The question is who organized it - local people who are fed up or someone instigating things?

I almost prefer these are planned, organized riots, for whatever reason, than a grass-roots set of riots that may grow

Or someone asking protection money?

I think planned riots are of a bigger concern, since they have a reason that won't go away and may get stronger.
Blame the Italians. That is great. And what , pray tell , is your expertise in coming to this conclusion ? Not the explanation in your post , I hope. Please tell me you have something more to add. Or , are you referring to southern Italy and Sicily ? and not to Padania , in the North , where business seems to work just fine. Or better yet , think before you post......
Here a great article about the breakdown of law, i.e. there are no consequences for criminal activity by the political connected, i.e. the politicians, bankers and the other cronies.

And toward the end, the article discusses the implications of the Bariloche incident.
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