Some good news at last


Sep 18, 2009
Some may remember me writing about how I got here seven years ago
Well, she finally said yes and is going to make an honest man of me.
We're getting married next March and are chuffed to bits about it.
It may just be only a choripan event, but what the heck. It will be a very happy day for both of us.

We have also sold our house.....finally. After being on the market for many, many months and then this dollar fiasco not helping matters. But someone finally popped up, got themselves the deal of the century and we sign next week, all things being well.

I have to say that it was tougher selling the house.......................:)
Gringoboy said:
Some may remember me writing about how I got here seven years ago
Well, she finally said yes and is going to make an honest man of me.
We're getting married next March and are chuffed to bits about it.
It may just be only a choripan event, but what the heck. It will be a very happy day for both of us.

We have also sold our house.....finally. After being on the market for many, many months and then this dollar fiasco not helping matters. But someone finally popped up, got themselves the deal of the century and we sign next week, all things being well.

I have to say that it was tougher selling the house.......................:)

Hey Gringoboy thats awesome news, glad to hear it. You moving within Buenos Aires, yeah? (ie as opposed to leaving the country).
What a great story! I just saw your other thread (I missed it the first time around). Congratulations. Just goes to show you fate and destiny do exist.
You mention that you are getting married and that you sold your house. May I ask what is the connection?
Are you staying in BsAs?
I think there is something special about Argentinian women. I have heard many stories of American and European men finding real happiness with them. I think of it as 'ABS' (Argentinian Babe Syndrome).
In my own case I spent 20 years as a divorced man in New York and Florida, meeting many women, and finally deciding to give up on finding a sane, quality lady to love and share my life with. I am fairly self sufficient and was happily living a good life living on a beautiful beach. Soon I got an email from an Argentinian lady doctor who saw an old photo of me and my big goofy dog on the internet. She's the most amazing, wonderful lady and after 2 years of long visits I put everything in storage and moved here (with the big goofy dog).
I have never been happier, ABS or not.
I don't know you, but congratulations. I married una argentina almost 20 years ago. Far and away the smartest thing I ever did. Go forth and be happy!
Thanks very much everyone!
No, the house sale is not connected, although it does help a great deal to get it from round our necks so to speak.
We live in the northern suburbs where most of her family and our friends are.
Will we stay here?
For the foreseeable future, yes..................
Or to quote Mae West: 'It could be a bumpy ride'..............or was it someone else?
Bette Davis I think "Buckle up boys, it's going to be a bumpy ride."

Many congrats on the upcoming nuptials! And double congrats on selling the house - must be a huge relief. Wishing you and Mrs. Gringoboy a bright future together, wherever your journey takes you :)
"Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night." --Margo Channing in All About Eve (played by Bette Davis).
