Stay away from this apartment rental

Sic the AFIP on that Daud creature for evading taxes. The AFIP is always hungry for revenue and has become very resourceful when hunting for it.

Last year they started cross-checking people's credit card charges against their declared income, and combing the Punta del Este phone book to find Argentine's expensive properties which could not have been bought by "low income" taxpayers.
Gary Diculo said:
According to AFIP, Ms. Daud is not registered as a current taypayer with her CUIT. This is odd, considering that she has so many businesses going on.

I checked on another database, that will give you the CUIT by the person's name, and she does not seem to have an active CUIT.

This could be the case if she only had a CUIL. However, to issue invoices when renting out the apartment she should have a CUIT (if it is she that is renting it out).
French jurist said:
Good work, for the infos about the financial condition about someone, I use the BCRA (Central Bank) website :
Right column : consulta a la base de deudores

Just a CUIL/CUIT/CDI, et voilà ! That's free !

It's amazing how personal informations can be accessed easily here.
It's in fact quite frightening.
It makes you wonder too how many illegal databases are running in the country
Again, about the personal data protection, there's even a whole database of all Argentines circulating : it's the padron electoral, province by province (try googling : descargar padron electoral argentina). It gives you many details : name, cuil/cuit or dni (if you don't know them), places where people have to vote, occupation (sometimes), and so on... I don't know if it's legal to DL them though, at least it's legal to talk about it.
Scary how the locals toss around the DNI number everyday. I have a DNI however when I need to show ID for credit or debit cards I use my US drivers lic. and the DNI stays in the pocket. I have this strange memory for numbers and while standing in supermarket lines I will memorize 5 or 6 DNI numbers as they are spoken loudly to the cashier. This is just a little bit too transparent for my liking.
On the BCRA page you must turn off you pop up blocker or click "allow" otherwise the search function fails.
FJ do you have a link to the padron electoral page. I'm getting 100s of hits and they don't look right. In fact some offer a Torrent download of the entire electoral database. [that's pretty scary]
Attorney in BA said:
I checked on another database, that will give you the CUIT by the person's name, and she does not seem to have an active CUIT.

This could be the case if she only had a CUIL. However, to issue invoices when renting out the apartment she should have a CUIT (if it is she that is renting it out).

Attorney, this site says it's beta, so it might not contain all CUIT numbers out there. And as far as I know the CUIT is the same number as the CUIL. She definitely has a CUIT, otherwise she wouldn't appear in AFIP, but she apparently has not currently registered a business or is paying taxes. I think she possibly could have registered a company and pay taxes under the name of that, but with her track record of estafadora I highly doubt it. :)
ghost said:
FJ do you have a link to the padron electoral page. I'm getting 100s of hits and they don't look right. In fact some offer a Torrent download of the entire electoral database. [that's pretty scary]

Yes the links can be difficult to find and I don't know which ones are valid now (and it might be unclever to post torrent links here).

However the padron electoral for BA + GBA (or even the whole BA province I don't remember) is about 300 or 400 megas.

Scary stuff huh ! :eek:
SaraSara said:
Sic the AFIP on that Daud creature for evading taxes. The AFIP is always hungry for revenue and has become very resourceful when hunting for it.

Last year they started cross-checking people's credit card charges against their declared income, and combing the Punta del Este phone book to find Argentine's expensive properties which could not have been bought by "low income" taxpayers.

You are scarily well-informed did they find your 2 million beachfront property on Fashion Beach?
Bailey and others who have been duped in Argentina: you might want to check out

You can order personal information on every Argentine for very little money (~18 pesos or 6 dollars) just with the name or DNI. They crawl it together from various usually publicly available places, but it's convenient nonetheless, because they probably know those places better than you do. I'm not sure if this would turn up anything not already included in this thread which is pretty comprehensive by this time, but you might want to give it a shot anyway.

I do not have a personal affiliation with Dateas and have to admit that the one time I used their service it was not too enlightening (I had found most of the information already myself). OTOH it's not too much money to invest.
That is a damn good neighborhood. Right next to Coto!!!!!!! Very convenient. I have not had any problems getting my deposits back.

Remember there are alot of vacancies and rents are too high. Seriously 1 bedrooms in Recoleta should be $500 U$D with some utilities included $550 with everything!!!!

Between Las Heras and Santa Fe and btw Puerrydon and Callao they are around $550 a month everywhere. Just look!!!!!!

You don't have to live in the hood!!!!! He got scammed in a good neighborhood but u can get scammed in the hood too!!!!!
I just sent this entire link to the Buenos Aires Herald. They have just thanked me and said it has been sent to their newsroom.
I doubt they will run with it, but you never know.