Stay away from this apartment rental

Damn...these guys make all us Argentinians look like scammers trying to get advantage from tourists or expats. I really hope this girl and her mother (?) are caught and they pay back for all the people that they had fraud. I really doubt is her mother. An honest lady would never be part of this operation.

Guys, there is another web site that you can use to find all legally registered addresses of a person:

For this Valeria girl, this is the result:

Pueyrredon Gral Juan Martin De 2261 2 Tp
Cdad. De Buenos Aires , barrio:recoleta
(11) 4805-2742

Good luck !
Always sign a contract !! Even if it is for 1 month !
I've read the entire thread and must congratulate you all on an incredible piece of sleuthing here.
What I don't understand is the naivete of this person by making so much information public in the first place. A con artist generally speaking, would not wish to be tracked down and wouldn't leave a trail afik.
Also, and I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, the amounts involved, if I'm not mistaken are US$200 +/- in each case, which in the grand scheme of things is not a huge amount of money.
It therefore begs the question: is this just the tip of the iceberg?
I have a friend who works at the Law Society, London, I'll ask her about what research can be done.

I have one concern about all this, though. What if there is ID fraud involved as well, i.e. the "Florencia Daud" name and DNI have been stolen by this scamming woman to do her defrauding and she's basically impersonating someone called Florencia Daud?

If that's the case, all this forum talk could damage an innocent person who has that name and clean career. Maybe your scammer "Florencia" planned all this to get her personal revenge on the Real Florencia, who she knows and is her enemy (good for a thriller with a twist at the end won't you think?)
Wouldn't it be great if this thread became well known all around BsAs....especially with all locals involved in the local hotel/accommodation ,tourism, real estate industry.,...etc etc. This would have at least a double whammy effect:

It would spread the word about about this particular case & it would also serve as a very sobering warning to those who scam tourists on a bigger scale everyday....this would give them a whiff & a taste of what could happen when they get caught robbing tourists.

This, to me, is what is most positive about this whole case/event.
NoPat said:
I have a friend who works at the Law Society, London, I'll ask her about what research can be done.

I have one concern about all this, though. What if there is ID fraud involved as well, i.e. the "Florencia Daud" name and DNI have been stolen by this scamming woman to do her defrauding and she's basically impersonating someone called Florencia Daud?

Thanks for the offer, that's appreciated !

No, I really don't think she is someone else (except for the fact that Florencia Daud created a second "her" aka "Valeria de Santos").
I mean, she has one personal blog in spanish about her cat, therefore if Florencia Daud was not Florencia Daud, she would be schizophrenic.
notebook.fix said:
Wouldn't it be great if this thread became well known all around BsAs....especially with all locals involved in the local hotel/accommodation ,tourism, real estate industry.,...etc etc. This would have at least a double whammy effect:

It would spread the word about about this particular case & it would also serve as a very sobering warning to those who scam tourists on a bigger scale everyday....this would give them a whiff & a taste of what could happen when they get caught robbing tourists.

This, to me, is what is most positive about this whole case/event.
This is what the attorney 'friend" ment by "taking things into your own hands". However we do have at least 2 BA attorneys that frequent this forum and neither has entered this discussion.
Gringoboy said:
I've read the entire thread and must congratulate you all on an incredible piece of sleuthing here.
What I don't understand is the naivete of this person by making so much information public in the first place. A con artist generally speaking, would not wish to be tracked down and wouldn't leave a trail afik.
Also, and I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, the amounts involved, if I'm not mistaken are US$200 +/- in each case, which in the grand scheme of things is not a huge amount of money.
It therefore begs the question: is this just the tip of the iceberg?

I always assumed it was a $200 deposit because it was good amount of money, but not enough to ruin your plans and hunt it down. It's not the entire month's rent. I'm not saying I can just throw $200 down the drain, but in the grand scheme of things it's not worth fighting about. I think Florencia knows tourists have this mindset... She incorrectly assumed we'd forget. Oops.

NoPat said:
I have one concern about all this, though. What if there is ID fraud involved as well, i.e. the "Florencia Daud" name and DNI have been stolen by this scamming woman to do her defrauding and she's basically impersonating someone called Florencia Daud?

I've wondered about this. But I seem to doubt this is the case because she took down any of her sites that referenced her personally AND her "businesses." (Her personal blog username was "Flormarina," and that site doesn't intend to scam people, rather it fills her void of superficiality) There's something true about the information that has been gleaned from those sites, whether it be her address, name, phone numbers, etc.
Looks so ridiculous to throw away your reputation by not giving back a deposit that is amazing. What I think is what she probably must be thinking now is to publish under another name, so for expats, sign a contract and read every line just in case, if possible try to find a recommendation from someone already living here if it is possible at least.
I rent my flat from 2005 and never had a problem and never had to keep a deposit for damages and almost never had to pick up the phone for a delay in the monthly rent.
About this specific case, you have the phone number of the rental unit no doubt. Have you tried calling it? Im sorry if this has been discussed, as I only read the thread quickly and visit occassionaly. You should call and interfere with her future scams by warning her tenants. Then a a month or so after that, call again in case she has new tenants.

Ive never met so many dishonest, amoral, people in my life as I have here.

I have many stories, some of which would make your hair stand on end. Even if you explain that they are clearly lying to you, they still dont get it. They have had a hard life, 6 military coups, relatives raped and then thrown to their death out of airplanes by their own government. They never seem to have been taught how to be correct and proper individuals.

And no one gets punished here. I know you have read some people have been convicted, but check where they are. Youll see they are free at their home. A country thats basically a mafia and petty thieves as citizens.