Still Hope For A Better Government, By Robert Cox


Mar 20, 2014
The Buenos Aires Herald has an article today by Robert Cox, entitled Still Hope For A Better Government in 2015 . While I don't necessarily agree with all that he says, my agreement or lack thereof is fairly damned irrelevant in this matter.

I confess that I didn't fully understand who Cox was until today, but the Wikipedia article on him is very enlightening. This is a man fully deserving of our respect and admiration for his past services and undoubted courage, whether or not we agree with his present disillusionment.

As tempting as it is for me to rattle on in my usual long-winded fashion, I think I'll stop here and just suggest that you explore the above links. This has true relevance for all of us who live here in BsAs.
The Buenos Aires Herald has an article today by Robert Cox, entitled Still Hope For A Better Government in 2015 . While I don't necessarily agree with all that he says, my agreement or lack thereof is fairly damned irrelevant in this matter.

I confess that I didn't fully understand who Cox was until today, but the Wikipedia article on him is very enlightening. This is a man fully deserving of our respect and admiration for his past services and undoubted courage, whether or not we agree with his present disillusionment.

As tempting as it is for me to rattle on in my usual long-winded fashion, I think I'll stop here and just suggest that you explore the above links. This has true relevance for all of us who live here in BsAs.

I finally met Bob Cox in person a couple years ago, and I have even more respect for him than I did just from reading his writings. He is very measured and thoughtful.
Yes, and while a perspective from outside can be refreshing, I think in recent years he has been too far removed from the situation in Argentina to offer much in the way of fresh insight.
Yes, and while a perspective from outside can be refreshing, I think in recent years he has been too far removed from the situation in Argentina to offer much in the way of fresh insight.

He still spends half the year in Buenos Aires.
Hiya, not too sure how to work this but, I am retired USN take home about 23-24 $USD monthly, looking to rent a studio, then probably buy say,an acre w/ ability for multiple dwelling-my daughters and munchkins. Prefer a pop.. of 100, ooo plus for starts. Scot at [email protected]. Help
I have never met the guy, and didn't have time to even go check out his Wikipedia article mentioned in the OP.

I don't mean to be disrepectful of either the author, the article, or anyone else, but I do have a comment. He uses the words "wishful thinking", or words to similar effect, quite often. In fact, the article itself is really of that bent. The title is "Still hope for better gov't in 2015" but all he gave us was a recap of how much of what he thought he saw good in the past years was, in reality, wishful thinking. Without even a suggestion as to where or how such a government would emerge, a hope for better government seems to be just as wishful.

The Kirchners have battered the institutions of democracy here, and there's no doubt they haven't been completely razed. But if things continue the way they have been, with leaders who run roughshod over the weakened structure, with real recovery looking to be a long process after who-knows-what the "bottom" looks like, how long would it take to bring the house down after Cristina leaves?
Howdy from Tucson Arizona. I am contemplating a move possibly to Argentine. Can I actually enjoy living in a smaller city as a 54 y/o retired USN type eith take home of 2300 or US , looking for s toen of 80000 or lesd, streams/rivers/ water nearby. All id need is a partly furnished studio, preferably located near cantinas ~am disabled so can walk far. Scot [email protected]
The only thing that will change with a new government in 2015 is that friends of whomever is elected will then receive lots and lots of money via corruption , cronyism , graft , collusion , and just out right lying. There is always hope. But I fear the levels of dishonesty in Argentina society will take generations to clear .

I think Mr Cox is and has been a fine journalist for years.