bebero said:
to all of you private hospitals supporters, i really hope you never have anything really serious in argentina.
and the salary of doctors is not set in stone. it depends entirely on what they do, where they work and how good/experienced they are.
You are more right than you know. My wife is doctor, a specialist also, and she worked a Mayo clinic in the states. She and her colleagues avoid working for the private hospitals because the public hospitals pay and the private hospitals very frequently do not. Even worse, the privates are famous for poor benefits, poor insurance and in many cases working the doctors like slaves and then stiffing them for months of salary. This is reverse logic, but in many cases the young graduates start out at a private hospital and place their name on a very long waiting list at a public hospital.
Thus if you really think that the privates have the cream of the crop you are thinking like a N. American and not an Argentine.
Oh yeah, one more thing, 2 of her team graduated from Cornell, one from Univ. of Buffalo and her from Dartmouth and the rest from UBA and Cordoba.
And yes, doctors do make less than garbage men.
If it wasn't for their private practices they would starve.
So why do people want to become doctors in Argentina..because they want to practice real medicine. Not the paper shuffeling cover your ass, billing code joke that we call medicine in the States.
Here's the sad reality in the States she makes more in 4 days than she makes in AR in a year.