Thailand VS.Argentina

I had that kind of foot massage only once - my "wealthy" friend in Washington treated me to one by her visiting Thai specialist. It also ended with the short neck massage. Sheer bliss....!

If it was available here I would pawn the dogs to get one every two days.
SaraSara said:
I had that kind of foot massage only once - my "wealthy" friend in Washington treated me to one by her visiting Thai specialist. It also ended with the short neck massage. Sheer bliss....!

If it was available here I would pawn the dogs to get one every two days.

that reinforces the whole point of this hour foot massage capped by neck,shoulder and face massage is about 200 baht=6.00 usd
I used to rant on and on as to why the king didnt shell out some of his endless $ and gather up all the strays and fix them,as he supposedly has some strays of his own.

oh man, it's so ingrained in me - you can't rant about the King in Thailand!

So you were out by Jatujak?

Yeah, went to Jatujak quite a lot (still got lost nearly every time though). Definitely the best place to shop - as long as you didn't stumble into the 'sad pets' section.
The redshirts also set up camp just down the road from my school during those first riots (I was there then too).
If it was available here I would pawn the dogs to get one every two days.

I do see quite a lot of regular massages advertised here, though, SaraSara, but I haven't tried any yet. The prices usually aren't too outrageous either (not 6 dollars, but not 60 dollars, like in the US). Have you, or anyone, tried these? Are they not that good? I think I may have to buckle down and get one; suffering massage withdrawal! Maybe I'll check out the one in barrio chino...
BKK to BA said:
that reinforces the whole point of this hour foot massage capped by neck,shoulder and face massage is about 200 baht=6.00 usd

AAAAARGGGGGHHHHHHH..........! (envious scream)

Do you think with the right wig I could pass for a dog? I'd be willing to get a rabies shot and travel in a kennel for that kind of deal. ;)
lilabaila2 said:
oh man, it's so ingrained in me - you can't rant about the King in Thailand!

My farang friends and I would talk smack about the King all time,not so much cuz we meant it,but rather to watch their Thai g/f's get all miffed.
But truthfully he shouldve done something long ago about the stray situation,afterall he is the richest monarch in the entire world

Create jobs and save dogs from a harsh life on the streets....
While im on my soapbox he could also hire fulltime cleanup crews on every major Thai beach....

Yeah, went to Jatujak quite a lot (still got lost nearly every time though). Definitely the best place to shop - as long as you didn't stumble into the 'sad pets' section.
The redshirts also set up camp just down the road from my school during those first riots (I was there then too).

the pet area in JJ is heartbreaking!I was there once and they had this Neapolitan mastiff puppy locked in a cage way too small,it was so malnourished it looked like weimereiner.For food there was a slice of moldy bread.when they brought him out for me to see he was so weak he couldnt standup.....
lilabaila2 said:
I do see quite a lot of regular massages advertised here, though, SaraSara, but I haven't tried any yet. The prices usually aren't too outrageous either (not 6 dollars, but not 60 dollars, like in the US). Have you, or anyone, tried these? Are they not that good? I think I may have to buckle down and get one; suffering massage withdrawal! Maybe I'll check out the one in barrio chino...

Please, let me know what you find out.
yeah...i don't think anywhere in asia is going to win the animal rights award... (possible exception for the elephant rehabilitation centers).
points to argentina in that arena then?
lilabaila2 said:
yeah...i don't think anywhere in asia is going to win the animal rights award... (possible exception for the elephant rehabilitation centers).
points to argentina in that arena then?

yeah they def do not win any favor points in animal rights.

I actually got a Singapore based Dolphin rescue group to release a captive dolphin on Samui that was being kept in the swimming pool of a hotel.

One of my prouder moments!