The 4-Hour Work Week - Timothy Ferriss

It seems like every time I meet an expat they ask me if I have read this book.

Maybe I should? Let me know because I am easily influenced by the opinions of random people on the internet.
Well, I am not going to buy the book, but I read everything on his website, including sample chapters, and I stand by my feelings that the guy is a narcissistic, overgrown teenager, who doesnt do much of anything except admire himself in the mirror and ask for your money. On every page. And recommend how much better your life will be if you subscribe to his website, and buy ALL his books.

Typical marketing scam, where he tells you a few commonsense things you could easily figure out on your own- dont do things you dont like- Duh!
Mixed with huge amounts of self promotion.

As I said, I own teenagers. I am intimately familiar with these concepts.
Well, I am not going to buy the book...
...but you're still going to give an opinion as though you have?

A few years back when The DaVinci Code was the bees knees with everyone abuzz about it's brilliance, I decided to read it so I was qualified to give an opinion on it, even though it wasn't my kind of book. Turned out I was right, it was a stock standard overblown, shallow & simply written "thriller" novel, no different from a Grisham novel and its ilk. I hated it and found it boring and unimaginative, "novel by the numbers" as it were. But at least after reading it I could actually hold a valid opinion to share with others.
Hey, I read at least 40 pages of the guy's self promoting drivel.

I dont have to buy a Popeil pocket fisherman to know it wont catch a 200lb tuna.
I read it AFTER moving to BsAs, and found a few things :

a) he's an arrogant cock that would give Gene Simmons a run for his money
b) he does have some worthwhile ideas, but they're not for everyone

I wouldn't call it a marketing scam, there are definitely some useful ideas that can get people financially independent.

Perhaps he should have titled it "Get all your work done by Indians and go travel instead"
I wouldn't call him arrogant...he's just very good at marketing and specially very able to get out of his comfort zone (he seems to be very self confident in all situations). And also, very good at making you believe that after reading his book you will be living like he does...with the money from the purchase of that book.
Anyways, I truly believe there are better books on the subject and after scanning a bit his website and other pages you don't really need to read the book.

By the way...what a bunch of...personalities...are posting videos on his websites!