The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

camberiu and Matiasba

May I suggest you use the dictionary/ies definition(s).

Merriam-Webster's definition: dictatorship - Form of government in which one person or an oligarchy possesses absolute power without effective constitutional checks.

Encyklopædia Britannica's definition: dictatorship, form of government in which one person or a small group possesses absolute power without effective constitutional limitations. ...

I like to inform you monstrous ego that I have recieved 5 private messages from people in the last week complaining about your behaviour . You believe that anyone will bother to buy your books after reading your one line comments here .

I wonder who might have written all those messages:
You have them at Córdoba.
However, fue process works, a jury is not the only way you can enforce a due process.

The institutions works, what i do about citizenship evidence it.

Here, and probably by first time, i fully agree with Camberiu. US citizens are very naive.

Peron enacted an act for by passing due process in the fight against terrorism. We all know how did it finished.

In my opinión, there is a dictatorship of companies who rule the US. Nobody cares who is the President.
Here, and probably by first time, i fully agree with Camberiu. US citizens are very naive.

Peron enacted an act for by passing due process in the fight against terrorism. We all know how did it finished.

In my opinión, there is a dictatorship of companies who rule the US. Nobody cares who is the President.

They have never lived under a dictatorship before Bajo, so they don't know any better. We have. We know the signs, we know the excuses, the know the "reasons", and we know how the story ends. And I regret that sooner or later, they will learn the same lesson we did.
So now you are not sure if Videla was a dictator or not?

Well, to me he was, but its not the typical image of a dictator whos above everyone. As I said it were the Fuerzas Armadas as a corporation who took the power and colonized every sphere of action. In fact, they divided the country and its institutions into 3 (Marine, Army and Air Force)... so they were a bunch in power. It was not like one supreme master that determinate everything, it was not like Hitler, Mussolini, or Mubarak or Ghadaffi. It was not a dictator in that sense. The rules were dictated by the militars, not by Videla himself. But yes, it was a dictator since it was the face that junta government showed to the people. I guess what Im saying is that the typical image of a dictator is autocracy while here we had aristocracy.

So basically, yes he was a dictator, but it wasnt his will what prevailed.
So basically, yes he was a dictator, but it wasnt his will what prevailed.

Again Matias, being a dictator and an absolute ruler are two different things. You are mixing up the two. Stalin was a dictator and an absolute ruler. Nikita was not an absolute ruler, but was also a dictator. Videla was a dictator, but not an absolute ruler.
There were many dictators at the same time. Videla never had the supreme power. It was like at the medieval age. They divided the country and every warlord had absolut power in his territory.

Sometimes there were issues because different warlords shared the territory and/or compete each other for power. Massera is a good example of that. That s why they created the liberated zones to avoid killing each other.

Comming back to the US, my opinión is that some how they start doing to his own people what they used to do to other countries. They used to have a double standard for foreign and doméstica policy. Now they are enforcing to domestic matters the foreign policy. Videla's made the same mistake and he died in jail.
They have never lived under a dictatorship before Bajo, so they don't know any better. We have. We know the signs, we know the excuses, the know the "reasons", and we know how the story ends. And I regret that sooner or later, they will learn the same lesson we did.
Here, and probably by first time, i fully agree with Camberiu.

Pellè embraces Maradona! Vader bear hugs Yoda! Dogs and cats living together!

I'd post more but the tears are too much...
There were many dictators at the same time. Videla never had the supreme power. It was like at the medieval age. They divided the country and every warlord had absolut power. Sometimes there were issues because different warlords shared the territory and/or compete each other for power. Massera is a good example of that.

Yes, same happen in Brazil. There was a actually a coup within the coup. The first coup happened in 1964. However, between 1968 and 1974 the hard liners within the army, the ones actually running the country at the time, were being so brutal, that the moderate faction of the army actually moved in and removed them from power. The hard liners were removed and a more moderate general was put in place as president. The number of killings and torture dropped dramatically, and the press was allowed more freedom, but he was still a dictator.