The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

Again Matias, being a dictator and an absolute ruler are two different things. You are mixing up the two. Stalin was a dictator and an absolute ruler. Nikita was not an absolute ruler, but was also a dictator. Videla was a dictator, but not an absolute ruler.

so you re saying Obama is a dictator but not an absolute ruler?
Could you tell us more about these plans Steve?

I must admit, the best post on this very entertaining thread was by Ries.

"[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]I mean, why would you want to move to a country that has a socialist health care system that uses taxes to provide no cost health care to all its citizens, (Argentina) to escape living in a country that MIGHT, in some unknown date in the future, change to a socialist health care system that uses taxes to provide no cost health care to all its citizens (USA)?"[/background]

[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]Sorry if I missed the answer, I just couldn't stop laughing at some of the drivel posted by the Obama haters. To me he's been a huge disappointment, but to call him a dictator and the like is profoundly ignorant. And sorry Steve, anyone taken in by that nonsense by Ayn Rand can't really be taken seriously. [/background]

Calling individuals who point out Obama's lies "haters" don't hate him. They love the truth.

Again, the Argentine government does not provide no cost health care to all of it's citizens. Many Argentines chose to pay for their own health coverage and, at the same time are paying the cost for those who do use the government services.

Obamacare does not provide "no cost" health care, either. It not only requires all citizens to buy health insurance, the law (in spite of Obama's multiple lies) will cause millions of Americans to lose the health care coverage Obama told them they could keep and the cost for many will skyrocket in spite of Obama's lies that they would pay less.

NOT to call Obama a dictator IS to IGNORE all of that which he has DICTATED without the Constitutional authority to do so, including granting waivers to some groups and declaring existing laws unconstitutional. Calling opinions that you do not agree with drivel or nonsense does not constitute an argument. It is the epitome of mudslinging.

Who (including me)said anything about Ayn Rand in this thread? If you think something Ayn Rand wrote or said is nonsense why don't you start a new thread? The fact that I like her writing has nothing to do with this subject. Saying I should not be taken seriously because I agree with something she wrote is a good example of nonsense. Just keep it up. I am entertained.

PS: If you want to learn about the "concentration camps" which have been set up in the USA just google FEMA camps. They will be useful in the event of "natural disasters" but can also be used to detain citizens for other reasons. I wouldn't be surprised if few who have posted in the thread believe they are the perfect place to relocate the .opposition (aka teabaggers).

I am an admirer of Ayn Rand's ideas and her values (freedom and liberty based on individual rights). When Obama was elected I told Argentine friends that by the time he was finished (especially if he was reelected) that Argentina would look like a freer country in many respects that the USA. I think my prediction is coming true. That is why I started this thread in the first place.
How do you know if Obama is lying?

His lips are moving.

(and for those Obama die hard fans who like him based on the fact that he's better than Bush, well, that joke could have applied to Bush too so don't even try. At least Bush wasn't waving the flag of being a liberator or trying to tell people he was different and he would change things only to make them worse. Everyone knew what Bush stood for and like it or not he never claimed to be someone else.)
Almost 22 years in special forces, that's all.

You have 22 years active duty within the special forces? Was this Army? Perhaps I mis-interpreted your comment, but I operated under very strict accountability rules of whom I engaged and when. That went the same for my colleagues on the ground in urban zones.

When do you get to decide who lives and who dies by your own discretion? I know firsthand that there were a lot of times the enemy got away and we were exposed because we couldn't verify that they were not civilians in the moment.

If you that much active duty time then we were probably in at the same time (unless you are over 60) and possibly in the same theater.
You have 22 years active duty within the special forces? Was this Army? Perhaps I mis-interpreted your comment, but I operated under very strict accountability rules of whom I engaged and when. That went the same for my colleagues on the ground in urban zones.

When do you get to decide who lives and who dies by your own discretion?

Danish special forces - they're total maniacs.
love is in the air!

Here is the thing:

You have two people from complete opposite ends of the political spectrum. Both with first hand experience with dictatorships. And both are telling you that you are now living under a dictator. This should scare the crap out of any American in here.