The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

In the case of a petrodollar crash we wouldn't want hoards of citizens gathering about the Whitehouse, Argentina-2001-style, ousting the government would we? How could society possibly manage??? And somebody has to protect the 1% - they will have a lot of assets and resources that people might mistakenly think they have a right to - like land, water, food, housing, guns...
In the case of a petrodollar crash we wouldn't want hoards of citizens gathering about the Whitehouse, Argentina-2001-style, ousting the government would we? How could society possibly manage??? And somebody has to protect the 1% - they will have a lot of assets and resources that people might mistakenly think they have a right to - like land, water, food, housing, guns...

I think this movie might give us a glimpse on what it might look like.
You know how many people were called crazy because they saw Hitler as a dangerous person? I'm NOT saying Obama and Hitler are the same but why are you so keen on shooting the messenger? Fema camps are real and they have been built, the legal groundwork for detentions is in place (NDAA 2011, 2012, 2013), have we not learned anything from how this administration treats people who don't agree with them (IRS and teabaggers)?

I'm not saying something dramatic is going to happen, in a way a lot of bad stuff has already happened, but if history tends to repeat itself, at least we could have an eye open and stop mocking people about their ideas.

So the administration has placed the IRS and Teabaggers in FEMA prison camps? Where are these camps, and why hasn't even Faux News warned us about them?
You are several years too late - it's like predicting that the Berlin Wall will fall real soon now.

I never thought of comparing my parents to the Berlin Wall (though my dad gave me a piece of it before he died). There was only one Berlin Wall and it was a thing, not a human being.

Our parents may be dead but there are still millions of elderly "parents" in the USA who will not receive the health care that Obama promised them "under" his plan. There will be fewer doctors willing (or able) to see them and they will face limitations on their health care that are dictated by the Affordable Care Act. In other words, they will be subject to regulations that are the equivalent of death panels,

Perhaps a slogan of the future will be, "Obama lied, and granny died."
So the administration has placed the IRS and Teabaggers in FEMA prison camps? Where are these camps, and why hasn't even Faux News warned us about them?

I didn't say that the camps have been put to use...yet.

Where did you get the idea I think they will be used for the IRS? Why in the world would they need to be incarcerated?

Their (brown shirt) job is to enforce Obamacare.

CBS news reported about the camps and "assured" their shrinking audience (older white liberal men) that they had nothing to fear.

The biggest thing older white liberal men have to fear is not being able to receive the health care they were promised.

The camps will be the best place to put those who (will) refuse to give up their guns...when the time comes.
I never said that the camps have been put to use...yet.

CBS news reported about the camps and "assured" their shrinking audience (older white liberal men) that they had nothing to fear.

The biggest thing older white liberal men have to fear is not being able to receive the health care they were promised.

I now have a good health plan and, to this point, nobody has taken it away from me. Under previous administrations, the insurer could (and did) unilaterally abrogate my coverage. Even Ayn Rand herself was no so dogmatic as her acolytes - being a hypocrite was a small price to pay for the services that Medicare and Social Security provided when she needed them:
I now have a good health plan and, to this point, nobody has taken it away from me. Under previous administrations, the insurer could (and did) unilaterally abrogate my coverage. Even Ayn Rand herself was not so dogmatic as to refuse Medicare and Social Security when she needed them:

If your present plan changes in any way (including a five dollar increase in the premium or the co-pay) you will lose it.

Ayn Rand paid into social security and medicare. The fact that she recouped something that she was force to pay for is not inconsistent with her principles.
If your present plan changes in any way (including a five dollar increase in the premium or the co-pay) you will lose it.

Ayn Rand paid into social security and medicare. The fact that she recouped something that she was force to pay for is not inconsistent with her principles.

If she had had the fortitude to stick to principle and die earlier, she might have made a more credible martyr, but I fear the tinfoil has slipped forward and is now covering your eyes. Please pull up the brim and read for instance.