The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

You know how many people were called crazy because they saw Hitler as a dangerous person? I'm NOT saying Obama and Hitler are the same but why are you so keen on shooting the messenger? Fema camps are real and they have been built, the legal groundwork for detentions is in place (NDAA 2011, 2012, 2013), have we not learned anything from how this administration treats people who don't agree with them (IRS and teabaggers)?

I'm not saying something dramatic is going to happen, in a way a lot of bad stuff has already happened, but if history tends to repeat itself, at least we could have an eye open and stop mocking people about their ideas.
What a LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OBAMA WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EXACTLY AS PLANNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What went wrong? did you run out of exclamation marks?

Here are some more: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) :rolleyes:
This is really interesting.

You have no idea how many friends I have in the world (or where they live).

The crucial point is that I don't advocate forcing anyone to do anything. I am sure this is beyond your comprehension, as your posts are simply...irrational. Here's a one liner for you: Como se dice "rabid dog" in Spanish?
Perro rabioso
Steve, still waiting for any evidence of these current plans. Can you tell us where they'll be built, when, who's going to be put in them? Care to share your sources? Or is it more bs? I've noted that Arlean, the queen of bs on this forum likes your posts, as you have done for hers, maybe you two could hook up, a marriage made in heaven!

I've noted you've started a silly habit of shouting your stuff in capital letters. Well, unless you come up with some evidence of these soon to be established concentration camps, we'll have to start calling you a LIAR!!!!!

Come on Steve, this could affect many of us, back up your claim or withdraw it.

Look up "Jesse Ventura Police State FEMA Camps Full Episode" on youtube. Yes, Jesse is a bit of a ridiculous character, and Alex Jones also appears in there, but rather than focus on the messengers, let's take a look at the message and the content. What are these camps, barbed wire facing in, for exactly? Also the coffins, and while we're at it, the 1.6 DHS hollow point bullet order.

The hype and sensationalism aside, I have yet to see any reasonable explanation for any of this.
So, this is supposed to be used against whom, exactly? What type of criminals requires law enforcement agencies to operate these types of vehicles? 2,700 of these were acquired together with those 1.6 billion rounds of ammo.
