The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

Pull up the brim and read for instance.
His own fault for not spending all his wages on healthcare.
the owl of minerva spreads its wings only with the coming of the dusk

Until the carcass of ACA decays to nothing all our "enlightened" talk is merely speculative jabber.

Here in Argentina I feel largely unaffected by the new law. My folks oppose it - as the law interferes with their interests and ideals, Perhaps if I were living in the US I would oppose this law as well, maybe not. Yet I have problems with many other situations, laws, people, and points of view, and I simply don't have the time or the inclination to get worked up over all of them. Especially when understanding what constitutes "good" and what constitutes "bad" can be shady and relative at best.

Obamacare is great for some people, not great for other people, but whether it is utilitarian must be left up to the passage of time. For those of us who oppose, lets state our views, buck up, and carry on. For those of us who support, let's celebrate. For those of us in between, well, lets accept the good and the bad of it - just as we must accept everything else.

Carry on the discussion comrades! The day is still young.

Show patience, wait, and watch.
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If she had had the fortitude to stick to principle and die earlier, she might have made a more credible martyr, but I fear the tinfoil has slipped forward and is now covering your eyes. Please pull up the brim and read for instance.

If you want to continue to have a "discussion" about Ayn Rand please start an new thread. This one has nothing to do with her. One member used her name to slam me in this thread, but that had nothing to do with anything I wrote. Suggesting Ayn Rand was a hypocrite is simply a tactic to draw attention away from the fact that the President of the United States has told the biggest lies in the history of the office

Those lies (If you want your doctor you can keep your doctor and if you are happy with you plan you will keep your plan) will reduce if not destroy the quality of health care for millions of Americans, including many who voted for him.

Ayn Rand was a writer with no power to force anyone do do anything. Barck Obama is a collectivist with the power to force millions of Americans to comply with his orders (and the orders of those who control him).
You know how many people were called crazy because they saw Hitler as a dangerous person?
A completely invalid argument, unless you accept that anybody who sees a person as a dangerous person is to some extent right. The world as we know it would not have existed if we accepted this.

An example to show how wrong it is: The white population of South Africa saw Ghandhi and later Mandela as dangerous persons.
Look up "Jesse Ventura Police State FEMA Camps Full Episode" on youtube. Yes, Jesse is a bit of a ridiculous character, and Alex Jones also appears in there, but rather than focus on the messengers, let's take a look at the message and the content. What are these camps, barbed wire facing in, for exactly? Also the coffins, and while we're at it, the 1.6 DHS hollow point bullet order.

The hype and sensationalism aside, I have yet to see any reasonable explanation for any of this.
Forbes quotes Denver Post, which in the same article wrote:

Published federal notices about the ammo buy have agitated conspiracy theorists since the fall.
The government's explanation is less sinister. Federal solicitations to buy the ammo are known as "strategic sourcing contracts," which help the government get a low price for a big purchase, says Peggy Dixon, spokeswoman for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glynco, Ga. http://www.denverpos...-billion-rounds

Something Forbes somehow seems to have forgotten to quote.

Forbes also writes: "As reported elsewhere, some of this purchase order is for hollow-point rounds,"

In this "elsewhere" it says:

001 Commercial Leaded Training Ammo (CLTA) Pistol Cartridge .40 caliber 165 Grain, jacketed Hollow point(Jhp) p/n P40HSTS3G OR EQUAL. BRASS CASING 100,000 ROUNDS




Where I come from, 100,000 + 100,000 = 200,000, slightly less than 1,600,000,000 hollow points.

- and what about all the military hardware the armed forces own?

Every private, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, etc. must be part of this conspiracy, how else would Homeland Security hope to survive even the first three hours of their mass extinction of the US population?

- and what about the new fighter plane, Lockheed Martin's SR-72 with a maximum speed of mach 6?

Isn't that going to be used against the US population? of course it must be the intended use, and it must happen before 2016, when president Obama's second presidency runs out.

Be scared - be extremely scared.

Why don't you move to the mountains in the northern states as the tinfoil hatters have done many times before when Chicken Little told them the truths about Y2K, invading aliens, etc.?
A completely invalid argument, unless you accept that anybody who sees a person as a dangerous person is to some extent right. The world as we know it would not have existed if we accepted this.

An example to show how wrong it is: The white population of South Africa saw Ghandhi and later Mandela as dangerous persons.

When someone expresses an opinion or asks a question they are not creating an argument.

It is neither right or wrong.

I think Ghandi is dangerous." is not an argument.

Neither is, "You know how many people were called crazy because they saw Hitler as a dangerous person?"

If you are going to use the terms of logic, I suggest you use them correctly.

Just because someone calls another person dangerous, it does not mean they are.

But it doesn't mean they aren't, either.

Assertions may or may not be true.

Truth doesn't even apply to questions.

An argument requires assertions which lead to a conclusion.

Asking a question is not the same thing as making an assertion and it's certainly not an argument.

I never thought of comparing my parents to the Berlin Wall (though my dad gave me a piece of it before he died). There was only one Berlin Wall and it was a thing, not a human being.
You are the one who is comparing parents to the Berlin Wall. I compared your postdiction that our parents were going to die with a similar postdiction, "predicting" something that has happened.
When someone expresses an opinion or asks a question they are not creating an argument.
It is neither right or wrong.
I think Ghandi is dangerous." is not an argument.
Neither is, "You know how many people were called crazy because they saw Hitler as a dangerous person?"
If you are going to use the terms of logic, I suggest you use them correctly.
Just because someone calls another person dangerous, it does not mean they are.
But it doesn't mean they aren't, either.
Assertions may or may not be true.
Truth doesn't even apply to questions.
An argument requires assertions which lead to a conclusion.
Asking a question is not the same thing as making an assertion and it's certainly not an argument.
Are you suggesting that "You know how many people were called crazy because they saw Hitler as a dangerous person?" is a genuine question?

That internationalguy actually wanted to know the number of people who were called crazy because they saw Hitler as a dangerous person?

I see it for what it is: a rethoric question attempting to demonstrate, that people considered crazy were in fact right.
You are the one who is comparing parents to the Berlin Wall. I compared your postdiction that our parents were going to die with a similar postdiction, "predicting" something that has happened.

As I said before, millions of Americans still have living parents who will suffer as well as die sooner rather than later as a result of Obamacare.

The fact that our parents are already dead and the Berlin Wall is down is irrelevant.