The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

Was McCarthy concerned that the President of the United States was a communist or a Marxist?

I don't think so.

The current President of the United States is.

And the Republic is at stake.

Are you saying that the President is a communist or Marxist?

I hope I'm misunderstanding your post here, but if I'm right this is ridiculous, unless your definition of communism or Marxism is different to that of the rest of us. I'd love you to give us your definition so we can see where you're coming from and we can compare the President's actions against it.
- and the financial crisis had nothing to do with it?

The current administration perpetuated the financial crisis and is doing nothing to stop the next one...which will be much worse.

2016 could be very bad year.
The current administration perpetuated the financial crisis and is doing nothing to stop the next one...which will be much worse.

2016 could be very bad year.
Ya got it wrong Steve, it's Wall Street that Wags The Dog. Administrations work for the Street. Barney Frank was way to easy on the pigs.

Libertarians are fucking crazy :lol:

fuck you got mine! :lol:

Maybe you should learn more about libertarians (I don't agree totally with libertarian-ism). There are plenty of libertarians who are incredibly generous. The idea behind it has nothing to do with selfishness. Rather, the most selfish human beings are the ones in government. The principle of libertarians is to extremely limit power. This is actually the idea behind democracy itself. The more we limit the power of a few individuals to run the government, the better. Why on earth would you want to put more money and power into the hands of corrupt politicians (and they are almost always corrupt)?
Help me out.

1. Politicians are corrupt.
- I can get with that. Let's move on.

2. Executives of major corporations and billionaires are....
- Philanthropically minded community care workers?

Yeah, excuse me if I am not leaping over the fence to join in on that particular experiment!

Fck medical care for the poor, the ultra rich will take care of it via charitable foundations (guffaw guffaw!) ....unions and worker representation is not a necessary counter balance because corporations will always pay a fair wage and never ever exploit workers either through wages or unfair and unsafe working conditions...(mwahhahahaaahahaa..that one cracks me up everytime)....despite every evidence to the contrary regulation should be abolished because financial markets will not (no way sir, not now not ever..honest guv) take excessive risks and lose control of itself and submerge itself in unacceptable moral hazard in the pursuit of profit (...i am crying with laughter at this stage)...

Simply put in the human race the greedy sociopathic reprobates will always rise to the top in the pursuit of wealth, which turns out to be wealth concentration of the misfortune of anyone else they share oxygen with. Right now the US has appalling wealth distrubition statistics and an awful record on market regulation (the breaks come off and the train crashes...always). Amy attempts to help the poor are met with howls of derision because it might hit someone elses pocket.

If Libertarians get control of any country I simply draw a line though it and put it on my "never visit" list....not that they would lose much sleep over that, but it is the most selfish ideology, it is firmly in the hands of the Koch brothers and their profit minded partners, it is the last human ideology founded in selfishness and the abandonment of care for fellow humans.
Help me out.

1. Politicians are corrupt.
- I can get with that. Let's move on.

2. Executives of major corporations and billionaires are....
- Philanthropically minded community care workers?

Yeah, excuse me if I am not leaping over the fence to join in on that particular experiment!

Fck medical care for the poor, the ultra rich will take care of it via charitable foundations (guffaw guffaw!) ....unions and worker representation is not a necessary counter balance because corporations will always pay a fair wage and never ever exploit workers either through wages or unfair and unsafe working conditions...(mwahhahahaaahahaa..that one cracks me up everytime)....despite every evidence to the contrary regulation should be abolished because financial markets will not (no way sir, not now not ever..honest guv) take excessive risks and lose control of itself and submerge itself in unacceptable moral hazard in the pursuit of profit (...i am crying with laughter at this stage)...

Simply put in the human race the greedy sociopathic reprobates will always rise to the top in the pursuit of wealth, which turns out to be wealth concentration of the misfortune of anyone else they share oxygen with. Right now the US has appalling wealth distrubition statistics and an awful record on market regulation (the breaks come off and the train crashes...always). Amy attempts to help the poor are met with howls of derision because it might hit someone elses pocket.

If Libertarians get control of any country I simply draw a line though it and put it on my "never visit" list....not that they would lose much sleep over that, but it is the most selfish ideology, it is firmly in the hands of the Koch brothers and their profit minded partners, it is the last human ideology founded in selfishness and the abandonment of care for fellow humans.

I think you still don't get the point. A libertarian would not be against unions. You are equating libertarians with the GOP and the Tea Party. They are very different. Unions are organized by workers and therefore should have every right organize if they want. A libertarian would not lift a finger to stop a union, or a big business. Hence the world--liberty. If you want to strike at your job, you have the liberty to do so and also organize with other workers. Thankfully, the government does not have the right to step in and put a stop to unions. Also, thankfully, the government should not have the right to step on businesses.

It is true that corporations can also be very corrupt. But the reason they are corrupt is that they are tied to the government and vice versa. Take away the national government's power, and you take away much of the corporation's power.

I do not agree, though, that the government should not make laws to protect the environment.
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