The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

Help me out.

1. Politicians are corrupt.
- I can get with that. Let's move on.

2. Executives of major corporations and billionaires are....
- Philanthropically minded community care workers?

Yeah, excuse me if I am not leaping over the fence to join in on that particular experiment!

Fck medical care for the poor, the ultra rich will take care of it via charitable foundations (guffaw guffaw!) ....unions and worker representation is not a necessary counter balance because corporations will always pay a fair wage and never ever exploit workers either through wages or unfair and unsafe working conditions...(mwahhahahaaahahaa..that one cracks me up everytime)....despite every evidence to the contrary regulation should be abolished because financial markets will not (no way sir, not now not ever..honest guv) take excessive risks and lose control of itself and submerge itself in unacceptable moral hazard in the pursuit of profit (...i am crying with laughter at this stage)...

Simply put in the human race the greedy sociopathic reprobates will always rise to the top in the pursuit of wealth, which turns out to be wealth concentration of the misfortune of anyone else they share oxygen with. Right now the US has appalling wealth distrubition statistics and an awful record on market regulation (the breaks come off and the train crashes...always). Amy attempts to help the poor are met with howls of derision because it might hit someone elses pocket.

If Libertarians get control of any country I simply draw a line though it and put it on my "never visit" list....not that they would lose much sleep over that, but it is the most selfish ideology, it is firmly in the hands of the Koch brothers and their profit minded partners, it is the last human ideology founded in selfishness and the abandonment of care for fellow humans.

Somalia is approaching paradise:

From Wikipedia: According to a study by the libertarian think tank the Independent Institute:[5]

In 2005, Somalia ranked in the top 50 percent in six of our 13 measures, and ranked near the bottom in only three: infant mortality, immunization rates, and access to improved water sources. This compares favorably with circumstances in 1990, when Somalia last had a government and was ranked in the bottom 50 percent for all seven of the measures for which we had that year's data: death rate, infant mortality, life expectancy, main telephone lines, tuberculosis, and immunization for measles and DTP."
Ya got it wrong Steve, it's Wall Street that Wags The Dog. Administrations work for the Street. Barney Frank was way to easy on the pigs.

Barney Frank was "in" on the fix. He blocked investigations of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and said that everything was fine.

When I think of Barney Frank, "pig is one of the fiorst words that comes to mind, and Wall Street doesn't even enter the picture.
Barney Frank was "in" on the fix. He blocked investigations of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and said that everything was fine.

When I think of Barney Frank, "pig is one of the fiorst words that comes to mind, and Wall Street doesn't even enter the picture.

When I think of "pig," the first words that come into my mind are "Karl Rove."
When I think of "pig," the first words that come into my mind are "Karl Rove."

I might feel the same about Rove as I did about Barney Frank (for different reasons}, but Rove never held political office.

There is a huge difference.

Rove never had the (destructive) power Barney Frank had.

And never will.
I would feel the same abut him as I did about Barney Frank, but Rove never held political office.

There is a huge difference.

The difference is that Barney Frank believes in the public good. Rove believes in vicious backroom manipulation, even to the point of deluding himself when his tactics fail.
The difference is that Barney Frank believes in the public good. Rove believes in vicious backroom manipulation, even to the point of deluding himself when his tactics fail.

The public good? What is that and who defines it?

Achieving the "public good" is the essence of collectivism (and communism).

And yes, Obama is a collectivist.

He even believes in collective salvation.

In the past hundred years collectivism has resulted in the death of 150 million people.

I hope they are all happy in (collectivist salvation) heaven.
The difference is that Barney Frank believes in the public good. Rove believes in vicious backroom manipulation, even to the point of deluding himself when his tactics fail.

The biggest difference between Barney Frank and Carl Rove is that Barney had tremendous power as a congressman.

Rove never had the power to do the damage that Frank did.

The biggest difference between Barney Frank and Carl Rove is that Barney had tremendous power as a congressman.

Rove never had the power to do the damage that Frank did.

Rove cheapened public discourse in a manner that paved the way for the Teabaggers, even though they're beyond his control now. A country with more Barney Franks and fewer Karl Roves (and Ayn Rands and Rand Pauls) would be a better country.

Steve, sadly, continues to find imaginary enemies espousing toxic ideologies that are not only discredited, but that in reality barely exist any more.
A country with fewer Carl Roves, Rand Pauls AND fewer Pelosis and Bidens would be a better country.
A country with fewer Carl Roves, Rand Pauls AND fewer Pelosis and Bidens would be a better country.

Pelosi and Biden, at least, take public service seriously. There remain only a handful of Republicans who do so, such as Christopher Shays, and they're finding it more and more difficult to get elected because Teabagger Puritanism is so toxic.