The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

For some diehards, the "socialism" hysteria may never end. The only genuine death panel, though, is the Republican Party. They're even willing to commit political suicide which, arguably, would benefit the country as a whole, though we do need a serious conservative party. They make the Tories look good.
El Queso, any time I happen to check in here and see "El Queso" I read it, even if I don't get to read anything else. You're so right. I talk to Argentinians a lot about things. I get them started and then I listen. Most have no clue and no education about how the economics work and that there is no glorious spout in the Pink House where the money comes out, and all these programs that make them vote for certain parties are paid by THEM. And if the government prints more money than they take in, it causes inflation (NOT the greedy vendors, the government) which is the cruelest tax of all because the poorest then have to pay more for what they get. But the politicians get elected that way so they don't care.

In all honesty, I didn't start studying economics until I was about 40. They didn't teach it in our schools either so we almost can't blame people for not understanding. I think in the U.S. it is deliberate. If the people were smart enough to figure out what is being done to them they would never go along with it. Better to keep people ignorant because then they can be deceived into voting for you, going off and dying in your economic wars--or whatever. ! I will post more but later. Gotta go. I'm off to Pucon. Y'all try to behave while I'm gone!
One more comment. I can't resist and if someone else already posted this I apologize. Did you know the phone number for Obamacare is 1-800-F***-You? I heard that and mentioned it to my son on the phone and he said "No! I don't believe it. Hang on and let me try it" Then I heard him exclaim, "That's really IT!" Hahahahahaha! I hope you guys don't really believe this is by accident! These people know what they are doing and are laughing because they think the majority of the people do not. Well a few of us have their number.
One more comment. I can't resist and if someone else already posted this I apologize. Did you know the phone number for Obamacare is 1-800-F***-You? I heard that and mentioned it to my son on the phone and he said "No! I don't believe it. Hang on and let me try it" Then I heard him exclaim, "That's really IT!" Hahahahahaha! I hope you guys don't really believe this is by accident! These people know what they are doing and are laughing because they think the majority of the people do not. Well a few of us have their number.

The affordable care act number is 800-318-2596. Which in theory could spell out (among a gazillion possibilities) 1-800-F1UCKYO. Close bu not the phrase you mentioned. And that number has been in effect since 1999 for healthcare related gov't questions.

ETA: The above is from Snopes which is always a good resource.
The affordable care act number is 800-318-2596. Which in theory could spell out (among a gazillion possibilities) 1-800-F1UCKYO. Close bu not the phrase you mentioned. And that number has been in effect since 1999 for healthcare related gov't questions.

Arlean maintaining her usual standard of accuracy. Dubious sources her speciality.
City girl is probably right. I didn't work it out, but as I said, I heard it, my son couldn't believe and said wait while he tried and then was so surprised Two separate people told me that. Then my son checked it on another phone. All said it answered Affordable Health Care. Then I heard it on the radio. I just tried it and the connection does pick up but there is no message. I can see the meter adding minutes to the call but there is no message. I think perhaps so many people are talking about it now the response has been taken down. Guess I should have checked it myself just so I could argue with the Nazi.

Aha,! I was with a Kaiser plan paying $Dollar 975.00 per month, received a pamphlet from Kaiser depicting mynew plans and price, with the upcoming Obama Care my present US$ 975 a month will increase to: $1195 a month!
Aha,! I was with a Kaiser plan paying $Dollar 975.00 per month, received a pamphlet from Kaiser depicting mynew plans and price, with the upcoming Obama Care my present US$ 975 a month will increase to: $1195 a month!

Then went easy on you. Just check out how many ridiculous things you're going to be forced to get coverage for.
Here's some interesting information about the ACA website:


Even when the website functions perfectly, the real problems with Obamacare are just beginning to be known.

While BHO claims that the Republicans are "invested" in the failure of the roll out, they had nothing to do with its failures.


I would like to know how Republicans are making anything more difficult regarding the ACA at this point.

A month ago Republicans gave the President the chance to delay the individual mandate for a year.

He chose to force a partial (17%) government shut down instead of accepting their offer.

And, of course, he blamed the Republicans for the shut down as well.