"the German Doctor" . Mengele Nazi Bariloche The Movie....!!

Order!!!!! Antique computers from the Egean depths, Gun control , Dr. Pepper! :D Give me a break.
hi, how can I buy the movie" The German Doctor" ? couldn't find it on Amazon. Nor can I find it at a video store in US. Thanks in advance.

The movie title is Wakolda...!! For sale in kioskos on Sta Fe Ave. for $12. may have English subtitles available, its spoken in Spanish with Spanish subtitles for the German dialogue sections.

There may be gun-owners who are safety-conscious and store their weapons appropriately, but the evidence shows that many (if not most) fail to do so, and the result is utterly avoidable injury and/or death.

You realize that my original post on gun control, nazi's in Bariloche, and crime in Buenos Aires was in jest, yes?
Not a gun in my home. Did you sit by yourself in the school cafeteria?

Your mattress is mildewed and lumpy
But you fall fast asleep where you lay
Under the lump there's a twenty gauge pump
'Cause they'd just as soon blow you away