The Pope Is Argentine

For those who want a deeper look at rc history, here is an interesting web site.....
From the prosecutor: dictatorship:
Apparently his first meeting is with the queen herself!
And if the answer was in a fresco by Giotto?

Apparently his first meeting is with the queen herself!


Its a Vatican tradition that the Pope meets first with the Head of his country of origin!

Question: Has a non-European EVER becomed Pope? YES

San Aniceto (155-166). Siria.
San Víctor l (189-199). Africa.
San Dionisio (259-268). Egipto.
San Melquíades (311-314). Africa.
San Gelasio l (492-196). Africa.
Teodoro l (642-649). Jerusalén.
Juan V (685-686). Siria.
San Sergio l (687-701). Siria.
Constantino (708-715). Siria.
San Gregorio lll (731-741). Siria.
The Syrians had a good run going there. I guess that San Gregorio III did something to piss some cardinals off and they never got over it.
He indeed does have a difficult job and he certain is not perfect and neither is the church as a whole, not even close. Despite all of that, isn't this good for the Catholic Church and for Argentina. This is a fresh face and new blood (despite his age). Let's give the guy a chance.