This Is A Song...

This is a song about realising your Roxy Music records mean a whole lot more to you than your relationship and you grab them as you run out the door, because life's got to mean more than this. And you put on Brian Ferry and that electronic sax comes wafting in, you crack open the malbec and you think it doesn't get much better. This is a song called 'He imbibes fluoride by the sea shore' or 'How many more encores do I have to f#(k'n play Santiago?' Oh and don't miss the Santiago Vera Interviews, coming soon.
(Music: L. Cohen)

Sañudo takes your clams to his place across the river
You can bet your bottom dollar
He will spend them on the cider
And you know that he's afflicted
with any number of addictions
And he feeds you dates and stories
That come straight out of his anus
And just when you mean to tell him
That what he's done is heinous
Then he gets you on his skypephone
And he lets the river answer
That they've always been your dollars
And you want to get to Punta
And you want to see new lands
And you know that you can't trust him
For he's snatched your perfect dollars from your hands.

And Arlean was derided
When she warned about the water
And she spent much time preparing
as the expats mocked and scorned her
And when she knew for certain
that Munich was in agreement
She said "All men will be mutants then
Until the kale shall free them"
But you yourself were broken
Long before your heart could open
Awakened, almost blooming
She sank beneath your wisdom like a stone
And you want to travel with her
And to live without fluoride
But you think maybe she'll snub you
For you trashed her perfect logic with your snide

Now Sañudo risks his hand
As he gambles 'cross the river
he is wearing rags and feathers
From Salvation Army counters
And the sun pours down like honey
On our lady of the Good Air
And he knows just where to look
Among the garbage and the flowers
There are pesos in the seaweed
There are drunkards in the morning
They are calling out for love
And they will call that way forever
While Sañudo holds the joker
And you want to get to Punta
And you want to see new lands
And you know that you can't trust him
For he's snatched your perfect dollars from your hands.
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This is a song about finding yourself sad and depressed and then just getting even more sad and more depresed until you're just sad and f#(king depressed, then after a while you think it's alright actually. I'd like to dedicate this song to Embassy travel warnings. This a song called 'International Guy from The Oriental Country' or 'Hate Me Up When September Ends'
(Music: B. Dylan)

If you're traveling down in Uruguay
Where the tourists flock along the coastline
Remember me to International Guy
For he once was a good friend of mine.

If you go when the raindrops fall
When the bars close and summer ends
Please see if he has a coat so warm
To keep him from the howlin' winds.

Please see to it that he's fed and watered
that he's clean shaven and well dressed
take his picture, full face & three quarter
For that's the way I remember him best

I'm a-wonderin' if he remembers me at all
Many times I've often prayed
In the darkness of my night
In the brightness of my day.

So if you're traveling down in Uruguay
Where the tourists flock along the coastline
Remember me to International Guy
For he once was a good friend of mine.
Today is the 30th, a date again extended by I-G, to Joe to return his dough. I will be awake all night to see if he comes clean on once more repeated promisses. If and this happens, Joe can go to vacationing in Colombia with a few extra US green backs to spend on
Muchachas Bonitas Colombianas!
Well my goodness gracious let me tell you the news...
Is IG in contempt?
A new stay issued?
Is it all a collaborative art project by Joe and IG called 'Caught in the Draconian Peronist Web the Expat Eats its Own' (mixed media: fluoride, dog crap, embassy warnings, and years of overcooked pasta)
Please give us some good news Joe...