To Rent in CABA: Mission Almost Imposible Waitlists exceeds Offer

Never will I defend landlords in BA, but I will say that our experience of owning and renting legal, short-term rentals near Pinamar was a neverending nightmare. I was sad and so hugely relieved the day we sold it all. I would hazard a guess that the Baexpats community is not representative of most renters. People on this forum are probably less likely to trash a place, not pay rent, try and steal from you and then sneak off in the middle of the night. And then you add in the team of people you just rely on to keep your rental operating. We had managers filling the apartments and not paying us the rent, handymen stealing tools from us, gardeners not doing any work when they knew we were out of town, and all the while we knew we could be sued for anything at anytime. Nowadays, I don’t know why anyone would want to own and rent property in BA. Maybe slumlords find it worth it? I can see why many choose to leave their places empty or rely on Airbnb with their fixed dollar payments and liability coverage. It was a nightmare back in the 2000s to find a good place to rent in a good neighborhood. I have deep sympathy for how much more complicated and entrenched the system is now.
Rents are extremely high in all major cities in Argentina except Mendoza and Cordoba . In San Carlos de Bariloche there is absolutely no traditional rental only dollar rentals at international prices . The laws must be changed now as to allieve the suffering of the argentinian peoples