
Why though? why should one individual be able to levy a tax against fellow tax payers for use of a public good?

If they "regulate" the trapitos, what's next. Imagine if you were driving down liberator and you came across a line of idiots linking arms across the entire street who stopped you told you that you had to pay a toll of their own invention in order to pass by otherwise they were going to destroy your car and leave you stuck in the middle of the road. Could you imagine that?

Totally agree .. that is what is happening now. When the city employes them to control parking, it becomes an official job (there are full time parking tickets officers in Toronto doing just exactly that ... officially .... and it creates a lots of jobs ).

Trapito now = no rules ... out of control ... extortion .. ransom .. vandalism (all negatives)
Trapito employee of the city = the city specifies the rules and trapito plays by these rules = Argentinean parking ticket officer with a different nick name.

It is a win/win :
I know the rate (piece of mind .. no hassle ... just normal parking).
City collects some money, and employ few trapitos.
Trapito upgrades his life a bit.
On reflection, these people are just another in a growing band of scavengers who think that the notion 'something for nothing' is acceptable.
I piss on their twisted logic.

They're worse than scavengers, they don't just think something for nothing is acceptable. They're thieves who think that if they want something its acceptable to take it by force or threat of force.
Totally agree .. that is what is happening now. When the city employes them to control parking, it becomes a official job (there are full time parking tickets officers in Toronto doing just exactly that ... officially .... and it creates a lots of jobs ).

Right but lets play this out.

1. A number of official parking attendant jobs are created and hired for.
2. The city sets them up with uniforms and equipment and gives them a decent salary with benefits.
3. The city puts them through a couple months of training and sends them out on the job
4. Freshly minted parking attendants head out to control metered parking on the street.

5. Trapitos/Barra Bravas, brutally beat the crap out of new parking attendants and destroy their vehicles.
6. City redirects police from other work to protect these parking attendants.
7. There aren't enough police to protect them all so the attendants go on strike.
8. Protesting their lack of "employment" the barrabravas set up camp in the middle of 9 de julio, collapsing transit and wantonly attacking the parking attendants and destroying public property in protest.
9. Macri send the police to protect the city property and employees.
10. Macri is accused of "repressing" and is compared the military dictators
11. The FPV declares that once again Macri wants to "criminalize poverty"

Maybe I'm just cynical
Right but lets play this out.

1. A number of official parking attendant jobs are created and hired for.
2. The city sets them up with uniforms and equipment and gives them a decent salary with benefits.
3. The city puts them through a couple months of training and sends them out on the job
4. Freshly minted parking attendants head out to control metered parking on the street.

5. Trapitos/Barra Bravas, brutally beat the crap out of new parking attendants and destroy their vehicles.
6. City redirects police from other work to protect these parking attendants.
7. Their aren't enough police to protect them all so the attendants go on strike.
8. Protesting their lack of "employment" the barrabravas set up camp in the middle of 9 de julio, collapsing transit and wantonly attacking the parking attendants and destroying public property in protest.
9. Macri send the police to protect the city property and employees.
10. Macri is accused of "repressing" and is compared the military dictators
11. The FPV declares that once again Macri wants to "criminalize poverty"

Maybe I'm just cynical

The idea was NOT calling for regular POLICE confrontation solution.
The idea is saying the city EMPLOYES the trapitos.

I'm saying trapitos are trained and employed by the city to become city parking ticket officers so they have a stake in the game.
That is very different from confronting them with police.

Win/win solution. May be?
Yeah, I don't think you understand how criminal gangs are structured in this city khairyexpat, I don't think you have understood what Phil is saying.

You are proposing what would be a rational solution if you don't consider that the trapitos are working for a criminal gang to which they are fiercely loyal and from which they get many perceived benefits. A paid traffic warden job ain't gonna break that bond and it's very naive to think it would. Being in a particularly barra brava is a matter of extreme pride, not the sort of thing that a parking attendant job replaces.

You do realise the barra bravas have been used as "rent-a-mobs" by various politicians? You do realise they are powerful enough to be fighting a guerilla war against the state govt in Santa Fe? We aren't talking about some down on his luck púnter here, these people are on the lower rungs of large scale criminal gangs.

The trapitos/barra bravas will, without doubt, attack any attempt to prevent a lucrative extortion racket. No way they roll over and say "ah well, nice while it lasted but now the boys have city uniforms, we'll have to give up that nice little earner for something less inconvenient for our fellow citizens". In my dreams. Whether you call for confrontation, it will happen, quite likely in the order that Phil points out. Even in the surreal scenario where some trapitos ditch their allegiances for the legitimate life of a traffic warden you can be damn sure their former accomplices will not accept that they no longer "own" a lucrative patch for parking extortion.

ps..ditch the capital letters. It ain't helping your argument.
Dublin now you give me a different picture, I was not aware of.
You're saying: they have a mafia job that is much more lucrative than a parking ticket officer job .

Now I get it. Didn't know that. Don't know anything about barra brava before this post.
Thanks for explaining, that is a whole different story.

What is barra brava? Party? Union? Outlawed gang? Guess I have to do some home work there
Barra bravas are a group of organized criminals sanctioned directly & indirect by the K government. Originally these groups started out as solely associated with football clubs etc, lately they have become part of the highly organized local & international Narco traffickers network.

When you pay a trapito, you are feeding a monster.
Barra bravas are a group of organized criminals sanctioned directly & indirect by the K government. Originally these groups started out as solely associated with football clubs etc, lately they have become part of the highly organized local & international Narco traffickers network.

When you pay a trapito, you are feeding a monster.

Thanks for explaining. I had no knowledge of barra brava and this background.
All my previous argument on trapitos is NULL AND VOID. (Upper cased, Italicized and Underlined).
Some home work on this is in order here ....
The trapitos are indeed a mafia, but they are not all barrabravas.

Netbook, the barrabravas are not only K. For instance, barrabravas of Chacarita respond to Barrionuevo, of Independiente to Moyano, Of Boca to Macri, of Tigre to Massa, of Quilmes to Anibal, etc, etc, etc, they are groups of violent people that can kill and remain unpunished because their political bonds. It is not only them who are in the bussiness, it is also the police, some jugdes, even journalists, and of course the football managers. It is growing, getting worse and worse every year, but I think they dont control the parking in the city yet, at least not as a group.
Barra bravas are a group of organized criminals sanctioned directly & indirect by the K government. Originally these groups started out as solely associated with football clubs etc, lately they have become part of the highly organized local & international Narco traffickers network.

When you pay a trapito, you are feeding a monster.
To be fair they existed long before the Ks and will do so thereafter.....
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