
The trapitos are indeed a mafia, but they are not all barrabravas.

Netbook, the barrabravas are not only K. For instance, barrabravas of Chacarita respond to Barrionuevo, of Independiente to Moyano, Of Boca to Macri, of Tigre to Massa, of Quilmes to Anibal, etc, etc, etc, they are groups of violent people that can kill and remain unpunished because their political bonds. It is not only them who are in the bussiness, it is also the police, some jugdes, even journalists, and of course the football managers. It is growing, getting worse and worse every year, but I think they dont control the parking in the city yet, at least not as a group.

Let me update you Matias....barra bravas are now part of a bigger MAfia called NARCO TRAFICANTES...Barras can only be controlled by the Policia Federal as they are the ONLY ones who have the jurisdiction to act against the next question is, Who has full control of Policia Federal? MAcri? MAssa? Anibal? BArrionuevo? Moyano? No...the federal government or better said, CRISTINA has. That famous moment when Cristina publicly praised them was the moment when it all started to change from isolated groups of football hooligans to something far more serious & deadly...part of a highly organized criminal enterprise sanctioned by the K government.
To be fair they existed long before the Ks and will do so thereafter.....
Yes agreed, but that was only the beginning of the story. You'll come to your own conclusions I'm sure, you don't need to take my word for it.
Thanks for explaining. I had no knowledge of barra brava and this background.
All my previous argument on trapitos is NULL AND VOID. (Upper cased, Italicized and Underlined).
Some home work on this is in order here ....

For a good account of the internal workings of barrabravas at soccer games, see
If I was Cristina & I had full operating control of security in my political enemy's territory....would I want to do a great job & keep the crime rate down in his neighborhoods? Or would I try to inflict slow, political damage by selectively enforcing the law as it suited me? How long can one scratch his own head before figuring that one out? Barra Bravas have morphed into a major crime problem in Capital. Most locals don't even know the jurisdictional difference between federal bodies & local, when ever there's trouble they just point the finger at Macri.
If I was Cristina & I had full operating control of security in my political enemy's territory....would I want to do a great job & keep the crime rate down in his neighborhoods? Or would I try to inflict slow, political damage by selectively enforcing the law as it suited me? How long can one scratch his own head before figuring that one out?

I think the majority probably have, and those that haven't probably suspect that you're being paid for this post. ;)
Let me update you Matias....barra bravas are now part of a bigger MAfia called NARCO TRAFICANTES...Barras can only be controlled by the Policia Federal as they are the ONLY ones who have the jurisdiction to act against the next question is, Who has full control of Policia Federal? MAcri? MAssa? Anibal? BArrionuevo? Moyano? No...the federal government or better said, CRISTINA has. That famous moment when Cristina publicly praised them was the moment when it all started to change from isolated groups of football hooligans to something far more serious & deadly...part of a highly organized criminal enterprise sanctioned by the K government.

with that reasoning Macri should control them cause they are in Capital (and didnt macri create the Metropolitana?) Lots of the people that go to Macris acts are barrabravas from Boca, I know this cause I went to the villas in Quilmes and took them to the acts, They are Macris fuerza de choque who also do logistica in his acts. And its pretty much that every intendent is autonomous of federal government, I mean Cristina could NOT control Massa, or Moyano. They are like caudillos, with their troupe, with their mafia, and the police is involved too. The government cant control them, as it couldnt control Pedraza when Mariano Ferreyra was killed. They are mafias, they have judges, police, press, lots of important political bonds. And they are not all narcos.
Yes, good point PhillipDT. I agree that the older locals & most on this site would know the difference. Until not too long ago I assumed most locals would too, but boy was I in for a shock. I don't assume anything anymore, not in Argentina. :)
with that reasoning Macri should control them cause they are in Capital (and didnt macri create the Metropolitana?) Lots of the people that go to Macris acts are barrabravas from Boca, I know this cause I went to the villas in Quilmes and took them to the acts, They are Macris fuerza de choque who also do logistica in his acts. And its pretty much that every intendent is autonomous of federal government, I mean Cristina could NOT control Massa, or Moyano. They are like caudillos, with their troupe, with their mafia, and the police is involved too. The government cant control them, as it couldnt control Pedraza when Mariano Ferreyra was killed. They are mafias, they have judges, police, press, lots of important political bonds. And they are not all narcos.
Oh, please don't come to me with the 'Metropolitana should control all the problems' K argument excuse. Please. LA metropolitana was created so as to make up for the shortfalls in the Federal Police. Nestor & Co did not honor the decades long republican agreement that the Federal police was supposed to act impartially & unreservedly within Capital, irrespective of the color of the political party in Capital. The metropolitana would never have been necessary if the Policia Federal did what they are OBLIGED to do under the constitution. Come on Matias, why don't you tell everyone here about how Cristina suddenly, overnight, pulled out the federal policia from all the Capital's Schools &, hospitals & public places? Tell everyone about the nature of the political fight between Cristina & Macri just before she pulled back security.. you know this..why the silly argument. I think I'll finish it here, this is tiring.
Oh, please don't come to me with the 'Metropolitana should control all the problems' K argument excuse. Please. LA metropolitana was created so as to make up for the shortfalls in the Federal Police. Nestor & Co did not honor the decades long republican agreement that the Federal police was supposed to act impartially & unreservedly within Capital, irrespective of the color of the political party in Capital. The metropolitana would never have been necessary if the Policia Federal did what they are OBLIGED to do under the constitution. Come on Matias, why don't you tell everyone here about how Cristina suddenly, overnight, pulled out the federal policia from all the Capital's Schools &, hospitals & public places? Tell everyone about the nature of the political fight between Cristina & Macri just before she pulled back security.. you know this..why the silly argument. I think I'll finish it here, this is tiring.

but it is a Capital Federals problem, Macri CAN and should do something. You cant blame Cristina on this, if he can put order to the buses why not to the trapitos? barrabravas work for every political leader in this country, not only for the Ks.
but it is a Capital Federals problem, Macri CAN and should do something. You cant blame Cristina on this, if he can put order to the buses why not to the trapitos? barrabravas work for every political leader in this country, not only for the Ks.
Policia Federal can shut them down, not the Metropolitana. Metropolitana can only interfere with them if they are caught in the act of a crime, metropolitana can NOT take out search warrants & raid them in their hideouts, ONLY POLICIA FEDERAL can.
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