Troublesome Foreigners Will Be Kicked Out

Will a peeping drone attack be considered an infraganti offense, subject to expulsion of the drone...!
Will a peeping drone attack be considered an infraganti offense, subject to expulsion of the drone...!


This is what she thinks of the neighbor controlling the drone.

By extranjeros it's not clear if she means tourists or foreigners with residency and a DNI.
Tourists, foreigners, residency, DNI?
Those become largely irrelevant once you've had your collar felt surely?
I really hope she's not implying the (now long gone)Canadian who posted the video of the moto chorro should be charged with causing social unrest! But i wouldn't put that kind of twisting things past her unfortunately.
Foreigners causing social unrest in Argentina? This can only be CFKs response to the Top Gear gang license plate fiasco.
By extranjeros it's not clear if she means tourists or foreigners with residency and a DNI.

The law reads " for foreigners in irregular migratory status...!!! Permatourists

Contempla la expulsión de extranjeros que estén en situación irregular en el país y sean sorprendidos in fraganti en el delito. En estos casos serán expulsados y no podrán retornar a la Argentina por 15 años
I saw the speech. Basically she's talking about deporting people who have been arrested for a non-violent crime and have irregular status. Instead of giving them a trial, they are deported and banned for 15 years. She also said should they come back, they'd have to go to trial for their crimes.

On the surface it seems reasonable enough - come into the country and break our laws and we'll kick you out - but who knows how it may be put in practice or abused. I don't believe she was referring to 'tourists', but rather foreigners from neighboring countries -- her critics say that people come to rob in Argentina because the laws are more lax here - it seems she wants to address that criticism (same for the penalties for judges for not fulfilling their duties in a timely matter)... how of if it will work in practice is another matter.

If I heard right she also mentioned that in violent crimes, the accused will be incarcerated from the first day until trial, and that the trial should begin no later than 10 months. I believe that was the reference to the moto chorro, but I'm not sure - I would have to listen to the speech again, since I only caught the end.