Troublesome Foreigners Will Be Kicked Out

If I heard right she also mentioned that in violent crimes, the accused will be incarcerated from the first day until trial, and that the trial should begin no later than 10 months. I believe that was the reference to the moto chorro, but I'm not sure - I would have to listen to the speech again, since I only caught the end.

If you heard it right, she basically voided habeas corpus. I hope that is not the case, because if it is, Argentina just became the USA (and not in a good way).
The law reads " for foreigners in irregular migratory status...!!! Permatourists

Contempla la expulsión de extranjeros que estén en situación irregular en el país y sean sorprendidos in fraganti en el delito. En estos casos serán expulsados y no podrán retornar a la Argentina por 15 años

Thank you, I didn't read that part of the article.
The law reads " for foreigners in irregular migratory status...!!! Permatourists

Contempla la expulsión de extranjeros que estén en situación irregular en el país y sean sorprendidos in fraganti en el delito. En estos casos serán expulsados y no podrán retornar a la Argentina por 15 años
SO this translate soon as the gov realize that permatourists own property here...... you will be deported and your property seized by the gov????? Don't even think about running that red light boys and girls!!!!! :p
SO this translate soon as the gov realize that permatourists own property here...... you will be deported and your property seized by the gov????? Don't even think about running that red light boys and girls!!!!! :p

Wife abuse is also is a federal offense....?? B) subject to deportation..?
I saw the speech. Basically she's talking about deporting people who have been arrested for a non-violent crime and have irregular status. Instead of giving them a trial, they are deported and banned for 15 years. She also said should they come back, they'd have to go to trial for their crimes.

On the surface it seems reasonable enough - come into the country and break our laws and we'll kick you out - but who knows how it may be put in practice or abused. I don't believe she was referring to 'tourists', but rather foreigners from neighboring countries -- her critics say that people come to rob in Argentina because the laws are more lax here - it seems she wants to address that criticism (same for the penalties for judges for not fulfilling their duties in a timely matter)... how of if it will work in practice is another matter.

If I heard right she also mentioned that in violent crimes, the accused will be incarcerated from the first day until trial, and that the trial should begin no later than 10 months. I believe that was the reference to the moto chorro, but I'm not sure - I would have to listen to the speech again, since I only caught the end.

Yes, but this definition can be twisted to include any foreigner... it's wide open to interpretation. What's irregular? If you meet the first criteria: foreign, the second criteria : irregular can be bent to mean anyone who had foreign currency, goes on vacation outside of the country, or doesn't drink mate.
Inciting social unrest ...well we are doing that right now by questioning her policies/sanity in a public forum. A crime could be a relative concept to a Argentine cop or Judge.Apparently being a tourist is a crime in itself if you are filming any part of it.

So the math goes like this :
Where: i = irregularity, p = posts on baExpats, FB, twitty..., F= Foreigner.

i = F X p;

Seems to me as long as the gov has an pin in your file, they just have to manufacture the rest. I think that the point was to send a message that foregners should shut up and fall in line like the rest of her subjects.
También quienes cometan delitos graves van a estar presos desde el primer día de la investigación y condenados en menos de diez meses. Esto es lo que prevé el Código nuevo, que estamos presentando. Y también una figura que seguramente va a generar alguna controversia: la expulsión de extranjeros. Pero, ¿en qué casos? En aquellos casos en que extranjeros que tienen algún tipo de irregularidad en su presencia en el país son sorprendidos in fraganti en la comisión de un delito. En ese caso van a ser extrañados del país, o sea expulsados del país y no podrán volver a reingresar por 15 años y si lo hacen serán juzgados por el delito por el cual fueron extrañados.

That's the part of the transcript in question - I don't have time to translate word for word right now, but basically what has been said before.

I don't like CFK at all, but I don't think foreigners have a reason to be scared just yet. Might this be used in corrupt ways? Maybe... we'll see what happens.
"[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]También quienes cometan delitos graves van a estar presos desde el primer día de la investigación y condenados en menos de diez meses."[/background]

This is a great way to handle political dissidents. Basically all the government has to do is to accuse you of a serious crime and you are locked up for 10 months. Habeas Corpus bye-bye.
"[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]También quienes cometan delitos graves van a estar presos desde el primer día de la investigación y condenados en menos de diez meses."[/background]

This is a great way to handle political dissidents. Basically all the government has to do is to accuse you of a serious crime and you are locked up for 10 months. Habeas Corpus bye-bye.

This is exactly why I said that this is a bone from CFK to the rabid right wing.

At this point the K's are concerned about their legacy, and the new Civil Code is meant to be a huge part of their lasting reforms. But they do not have the support in congress to push legislation through the way they did 3 years ago. So do yourself a favour: look back at the films from the various protests against the regime from the last few years. The biggest complaint was always "inseguridad": always with not-so-subtle anti-immigrant undertones. So she is making it hard for the opposition to vote against the reformed law without having to face some difficult questions from their constituency.

This is precisely the type of rancid xenophobia that the Radicals, Carrió, et al. have been rousing with their pitchforks for the last few years: putting people in jail on the mere assumption that they are criminals (read: Peruvian) or drug smugglers (read: Colombian) until we "prove" them guilty. So now CFK stabs the left in the back once again, under her usual guise of "progressivism" and "inclusiveness".

Disgusting, the lot of them.