Well, I am proud to be an American born and raised, married to an Argentine and here in Buenos Aires. I am also proud of all that the USA has done for the rest of the world when no one else has the balls or the will to take the lead. And I don't know which imbecility to address first...lets see, the USA is taking over Haiti because of all their gold and oil...this comes from a site that in it's header says "No statement of fact is made and/or should be implied. Please verify all the articles on this blog!" If there were all that gold and oil in Haiti, why are they so poor? I'm sure that if our Drilling Technology were deployed in Haiti to help them get the oil for themselves, some on this site would point to is and scream that the US Companies are taking advantage and actually making a profit!!!
Our manufacturing companies out source to Haiti and this causes them to be poor...I suppose that is true because our companies go there and FORCE them to leave their otherwise lucrative activities and work at low wages...can you spell MORON?
As far as Argentines being anti American, I don't see it - I do see a lot of our Argentine friends moving to South Florida and making a great life for themselves, with out worrying being mugged at every corner and getting counterfeit money from everyone except your grandmother.
Most Americans don't give a rats ass about what you think or whether you like the USA. The people of the USA are not asking for your help or your love and probably never will. We'll help with your earthquakes, tsunamis, aids, drill wells, provide military protection and generally do what we think is the right thing to do. But we sure won't count on your help if we have a disaster...remember all the foreign aid you sent to New Orleans? Huh?
Today I picked up a copy of El Argentino and there on page three is the President of Ecuador (educated in Illinois, USA) slamming the USA for occupying Haiti. Obviously he learned little of the mentality of the people of the US. Were we supposed to stay home and wait until he sent the Ecuadorian army to get the lights functional at the airport in Port au Prince so aid could arrive on a 24 hour basis?
If you don't like the USA, just swear off anything to do with it, and stop your bitching - stop using the things we invented like the internet, personal computers, telephones and the electric light bulb. And don't think about flying anywhere and take off those blue jeans!! If YOU are ever involved in a natural disaster, God forbid, please be sure to refuse the water, medical help and food the Americans bring.
That will teach us a lesson.