I'm glad I found the spokesman for the rest of the world. Your pomposity is only exceeded by your lack of understanding. Your attitudes are so slanted that you wouldn't recognize the truth if it bit your ass.Well the rest of the world think you are despicable.
So this it the foreign aid we get from the rest of the world? Chavez is a manipulator and used this visit as a "photo op" - but I'm sure you believe he is a saint, and has committed no atrocities against his own people. I guess my Venezuelan friends that left their property and businesses to flee to the USA are delusional as well...If you think well of him, you are probably uneducated and uninformed.Chavez was in Harlem wanting to provide the poor people with cheap oil. He also tried to do the same with people in New Orleans
What? Are you living on another planet? Are you telling me that the USA has NOT helped in the Tsunami, poured billions into aids prevention in Africa, brought food, shelter and medical aid to the people of Haiti? You should watch something other than cartoons.You don't really. Most of your "aid" are given to American puppet states. And most of it is military aid.
I don't believe France invented wine - did you read that in a history book or just invent that yourself. Have you read the Bible...they were drinking wine far earlier than France was even a though...And I don't eat brie.Yeah and if you don't like France, stop eating Brie cheese, drink wine
Nazi's invented a lot of good things? Like what? Tell me three things that we have that were invented by the Nazi's that are good. OK, I'll settle for one thing...I suspect this is an another invention of yours. It seems that your response is an irrational emotional reply without facts to back it up.Nazi-Germany invented a lot of good things too so should we stop using those things as well?