Using international SMS for 2FA while in Argentina response to the above comments...this what I need to do

The phone I have is NOT esim I will check the list and buy a phone that IS capable.

I will buy the phone using I have used this service before and it worked really well.

I will purchase a plan with Mint via the web page. They will activate my sim

I will use the phone for 2fa and messages only.

I will connect the new phone to the internet using PERSONAL.

Mint will send my messages to Argentina with a smile.

I will buy the phone using I have used this service before and it worked really well.
Do you specifically want their phone for some reason? Why don't you buy a cheap phone here instead and send the SIM card only?

I will purchase a plan with Mint via the web page. They will activate my sim
I'm not sure about that. You might need to connect to a cell tower in the USA for activation. Ask them about it.
I just talked to Mint......and they confirmed that my plan is correct. The phone will need wifi access as I have planned it....for now, until I have cell phone service. They can activate the account easily. All and all this will save me hundreds of dollars over my current plan.
For those on a strict budget, the cheapest service I could find for this exact purpose was from Tello, from $5 a month. They have e-Sim for those who need it and WiFi calling.
How do you figure out if your phone can accept an eSim?
For iPhone’s, any model since 2018 would support it. Other brands, best to google it for a full list. Let me know your phone model if you need help :)
I have seen many posting saying that Google Voice numbers don't work for 2FA, and perhaps it's true at one point, for certain specific numbers, or specific institutions. However, I can confirm that I am able to use my Google Voice number for 2FA for my brokerage, retirement and bank accounts. Therefore, I would suggest that individuals try it before dismissing it as an option. I also had a case where I was receiving the code as a call instead of text and the code was picked up by voice mail but it looks like I never received the call. I later realized it was because Google Voice thought it was spam. It was fine after I let it know the number wasn't spam.
I have been very satisfied with my setup. Originally I used Google Fi but they terminated my roaming data service when I spent too much time outside the US. However they left me with their roaming SMS/2FA which works well here and when I travel. This costs me about $25 per month.
The best way to use Google Fi is with a Google Phone so awhile back, when I was in the US, I bought a Google Pixel 7 for $350 have been entirely satisfied with it's service and camera.
The Pixel 7 has one Esim that easily installed Google Fi and one Sim card slot that I use for Movistar.
Google Fi requires activating in the US. It's a quick, simple process that a Grabr person could easily do.
I use Movistar for all my calls and messages. Globally. It connects better to cells here and with their global plan I have good service as soon as I arrive in another country.
I have been very satisfied with my setup. Originally I used Google Fi but they terminated my roaming data service
I use Google Voice for almost all 2FA SMS. When that is not supported I use google Fi, which cost me between 0.15 and 0.40 U$D (less than 45 cents) per month. I pause Fi service except when I need it. For every hour I unpause, Fi google charges 2.78 Cents. The SMS is free. This is what I have used in argentina since 2015. The only time I leave Fi on is when I travel away from Argentina which is still the hourly cost, but is simply called $20 per month plus data costs.