At the risk of shooting myself in the foot and losing potential business, my advice is -
don't pay someone to unlock your phone when you can do it yourself.
Here is the official jailbreaking site from the guys who develop the tools:
They play cat-and-mouse with Apple - they find exploits in the software/firmware to enable jailbreaking/unlocking, then Apple issues a patch and plugs the hole. It's been going on this way for years.
The way it stands currently is in Apple's favor - current iPhone 4's ship with iOS 4.02 or 4.1, for which there is no jailbreak available at this moment. This will change shortly, perhaps even within a few weeks.
If you already have an iPhone 4 and haven't upgraded (still have iOS 4.01), then you're in luck - you can jailbreak / unlock. [You have to jailbreak first, then you can unlock it to use the phone on other carriers.]
Whatever you do, don't pay any of those online leeches to give you an "unlock code" or anything similar. All of the tools are available for free on the net, but of course scammers are repackaging and selling them to unsuspecting users.
It's a byzantine process making sure you have all your ducks in a row and won't end up bricking your phone, but doing a bit of research online pays heaps of dividends in the end. And you'll end up with the best of both worlds - Apple's ease of use and great user interface, plus the openness and freedom of being able to install whatever software
you choose to put on your phone, not just what Apple allows you to. There are a lot of useful (and free) apps available in the Cydia Store (which appears once you've jailbroken) that Apple wouldn't allow in the official App Store.
Besides, of course, being able to use the phone on any carrier of your choosing, which was your original question before I started rambling! Ahem.
edit: I've been asked to add my contact info for follow-up:
mobile: (15) 3948-3398