Venezuela: Mandatory Fingerprinting At Grocery Stores

Nor do Pottertarians ever desist from repeating the dicta of their guru. When you live in a fortified compound in the vicinity of Bahía Blanca, not much else gets in or out.

I wonder how many forum members have any idea what you are referring to.

Who, exactly is the guru of the Pottertarians? Who are they and what is their dicta?

If you want to discredit them, or even effectively insult them, perhaps you could at least make it clear who they are.

I recently applied for my Nuevo DNI and knew I would have to wait in line to get my turno. I was the only one who brought a book to read.

This was also the case every time in the four years I went to migraciones or the registro in BA.

In the fours years since then, only once, while waiting for a doctor's appointment in the municipalidad that is not Bahia Blanca, was there another individual reading a book while waiting for a turno (at a fairly crowded hospital where health care is not free for everyone).

I have often wondered why people don't bring something to read when they know there will be a long line or wait. I take things to read when I go to the supermarket.
I have often wondered why people don't bring something to read when they know there will be a long line or wait. I take things to read when I go to the supermarket.

The only reason I don't take anything to read when I go to the supermarket or Walmart is because I always shop in the middle of the afternoon, when almost the entire population of the region is sleeping. -_-
All Pottertarians have one thing in common: http://psychology.ab...fensemech_3.htm

The article about denial is interesting. I'm glad you brought up psychology at this time.

I wondered about someone who appears to have the desire to dominate this forum by making a great many posts which neither state a factual position or contribute to the forum topic, but instead ridicule the opinions or intelligence of others.

I googled "psychological problems of individuals who dominate internet forums" and found this:

"Study Shockingly Suggests Internet Trolls May Not Be Very Nice Or Particularly Mentally Healthy In Real Life"

A new study from the University of Manitoba has shockingly claimed to have found that the Internet trolls we all know or love so well may not be very nice -- or particularly mentally healthy -- individuals in real life. The study tried to explore whether or not Internet trolls fell into the so called Dark Tetrad: Machiavellianism (willingness to manipulate and deceive others), narcissism (egotism and self-obsession), psychopathy (the lack of remorse and empathy), and sadism (pleasure in the suffering of others). The study (mostly survey, really) claims to have found:
"... correlations, sometimes quite significant, between these traits and trolling behavior. What’s more, it also found a relationship between all Dark Tetrad traits (except for narcissism) and the overall time that an individual spent, per day, commenting on the Internet."​
Steve, Ajo has offered you the olive branch of peace. He said you can be amusing.

Do you seriously believe that the sophomoric personal comments and insults (one of which you facetiously quoted in the above post) are about to stop?
What is the root of this great feud?

Will we ever know or will it remain a mystery forever like the great feuds of yesteryear: the Hatfields and McCoys?

What is the root of this great feud?

Will we ever know or will it remain a mystery forever like the great feuds of yesteryear: the Hatfields and McCoys?

What all BA expats really want to know is will you be eating fugazzeta tonight Joe? Can a friend keep his word? Please deliver us some good news in these austere times of Cristina's punitively imposed Nutella and powdered cleaning product shortages.
What is the root of this great feud?

Will we ever know or will it remain a mystery forever like the great feuds of yesteryear: the Hatfields and McCoys?

Already aware of the fcat that we did not share the same political beliefs, about the time ajo realized that I had read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand he began making comments in reply to many of my posts with references to Ayn or her "acolytes" that were irrelevant because the threads had nothing to do with her or her writings).

For some "unknwn" reason he stopped using her name and began using references to Harry Potter:

Another variation of the "Potter" usage has been "Pottertarians" (as evidenced in this thread).

I am not certain why the name Ayn Rand has been dropped from usage in his posts.

It could be that the use of her name automatically sends his post to forum purgatory.

No refutation of her philosophy or ideas has actually been offered (nothing more than a link to the Rotten Tomatoes review of the Atlas Shrugged movies).

The same can be said for my ideas as well.

So for, it's a pile of smears and innuendo and repulsive comments, including the hope that I consume enough nicotine to get cancer and posting that "Steve's lust for Ayn implies necrophilia."