All Pottertarians have one thing in common:
The article about denial is interesting. I'm glad you brought up psychology at this time.
I wondered about someone who appears to have the desire to dominate this forum by making a great many posts which neither state a factual position or contribute to the forum topic, but instead ridicule the opinions or intelligence of others.
I googled "psychological problems of individuals who dominate internet forums" and found this:
"Study Shockingly Suggests Internet Trolls May Not Be Very Nice Or Particularly Mentally Healthy In Real Life"
A new
study from the University of Manitoba has shockingly claimed to have found that the Internet trolls we all know or love so well may not be very nice -- or particularly mentally healthy -- individuals in real life. The study tried to explore whether or not Internet trolls fell into the so called Dark Tetrad: Machiavellianism (willingness to manipulate and deceive others), narcissism (egotism and self-obsession), psychopathy (the lack of remorse and empathy), and sadism (pleasure in the suffering of others). The study (mostly survey, really)
claims to have found:
"... correlations, sometimes quite significant, between these traits and trolling behavior. What’s more, it also found a relationship between all Dark Tetrad traits (except for narcissism) and the overall time that an individual spent, per day, commenting on the Internet."