The fact that most things are traded in the dollar is a good thing. As RAD said, all money is paper. The difference is that the majority of the world has faith in the dollar. A stable economy that will remain strong. That might change, let's hope it doesn't. But the fact of the matter is many people have faith in the economy and that is a good thing. It is faith that keeps the economy going. You will not see anyone deciding to trade in ARS pesos. Read one of the current state department synopsis on Argentina. It pissed many Argentinians off because an outsider was critical (the same statements are said everyday by taxi drivers in Baires without a flinch), but much of the analysis is true (please read state department notices with a small grain of salt because they usually overstate the problems to protect their citizens) Outside companies are hesitant to put investment in Argentina because the corruption is terrible. If some deal goes wrong you will not find justice in the courts. Argentina has an almost exact copy of the US constitution. It is great on paper, but it is never enforced in Argentina. That comes from the recent history of military occupation and the reality that what you invest in can be thrown out the window in a minute. Laws are changed for every situation, there is no justice. What syngirl says is spot on about unions. If you believed in and fought for unions in the past, your perspective will change completely after seeing what occurs in Argentina. They have a VERY strong, long history with unions. Every government has to bend to them. They are destroying every aspect of Argentina from health to the park system. Again go, you must see for yourself. Perhaps you will arrive at Steve's position, but also keep in mind that you might need to let go of some strong morals that you nurtured in the US and become a little more "lord of the flies" in your approach. For me, it saddened me. It was not the better world I had in my heart, and I lived in fear. It is not a way to live especially when you have a family. I will return to Argentina in the future because I am married to an argentinan and family is there, but not before some major changes occur. Every Argentinian will tell you that there has always been corruption, but it is currently at its worst. The best of luck to you. Living in any country for awhile will do nothing but help you, so do it.