hannstew said:
So, using your own words, "take this to another forum where it's more appropriate"
I'd like nothing better. I'd instead like to discuss Argentina more as a place to survive, not the tormoil that's taking place in the United States. Although, did your friend mention the fact that FEMA used the fallout from Katrina as an excuse to raid homes and confiscate hundreds of firearms, or is that another "delusion" of mine?
I feel quite a bit of acceptance here, the members have been most helpful in their advice and it's appreciated

. And there's nothing wrong with healthy debate, it's just a pet peeve for me when (some) people forego providing any details or rationale for an argument and go straight to name-calling and idiocracy.
That is what aggravates me -- people simply ripping on me out of ignorance. I've otherwise been very civil with people that provide a cogent, stimulating argument, and I think most people that have been following would agree with that. I'm not trying to force feed my "crap" to anyone, or get into fights, but I
am, as long as this can of worms is open, trying to force them to look at the facts for themselves and formulate their own opinions.
Why don't you tell me, Hanna, why did you go to Argentina? Is it a good place for survival?