Water Filter for Drinking Clorinated Water

The problem is you are not getting all the bad stuff out of the water even with a filter. I understand that the water here is also fluoridated. What you need (as do I) is a water distiller machine. I have one sitting in my storage back in the states, but won't see it for a few more months when my household goods are shipped over. The best thing to do is search on ebay for a used automatic water distiller, as the 1 gallon units require a lot of attention to get a few gallons day out of it, and have it shipped over to you. Make sure you search for the 220 volt model. So far the only "distilled" water (aka demineralized) I have been able to find is for batteries & radiators, but not drinking. If anyone else knows where to source a local water distiller or distilled water, please help us out. :confused:
you can find brita water filters at some carrefours. found mine at the palermo/botanico branch. there were only 3 packs, (packs of 5) the last time i got them, which was about 8 months ago. they were over by the bazaar section, (where they sell the plates, cups, and plastic jars). no one could tell us where to find them, so we ended up spending almost an hour finding them. we did a google for where to find brita filters. some health places apparently have them but the distributer's website said carrefour had them.

(Distributor's site) http://www.aquabell.com.ar/
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My girlfriend actually sells PSA water filters. I, and 2 of my friends, have them and are quite happy with them. If interested, i'll be happy to put you in touch with her and/or let you know a little bit more about my experience with them, 4777-3330 or 15-4472-0587. or write me at [email protected]
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katti said:
Put the tap water in bottle and then in the fridge for a few hours (a night) and the chlore-taste should be less... That is what my argentine friends taught me.

Yes, you are right. As they say in the hair commercials: here comes the science.

Chlorine gas is bubbled through the water at the treatment plant where it is dissolved into the water. Water can absorb more gas at low temperature so when the water comes out of your kitchen tap at a relatively higher temperature it gives off the chlorine it can no longer absorb and continues to give off more as the water temperature rises. The sense of smell and the sense of taste are very much bound up with each other so the chlorine smell emphasises the chlorine taste in the water which is why chilled water which is not giving off chlorine gas tastes better.

Chlorine boils at a lower temperature than water so if you want to get rid of the chlorine from water, you don't need a filter: just bring the water to the boil and let it cool back down again and the chlorine will be gone.
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i bought mine from a wonderful woman whose name is Eugenia Demousselle
her work email is: [email protected]

i've had it for 2 years and i LOVE it. my water tastes pure, clean, fresh, andi know it is uncontaminated - when we removed the old filter (one year) it had such unbelievable gook!!!

hope this helps.
viva la pepa!!!!
chlorine disappears from standing water or heated water rather quickly. think of swimming pools, sun and chlorine and basic chemistry and you can have un chlorinated water simply without a filter.

it may not be chlorine one is tasting but taste is not my forte
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