The clap clap thing is the new hellooooooooo.
The K rulebook seems to require some kind of jeering device: see
my previous post regarding subtlety in K fashion.
The example of a
non-engineer overseeing engineers, who produce world-class engineering, seems to have gone over bajo's head - but completely so.
Of course, it is important to have good lawyers. Which lawyering is, by bajo's admission on numerous occasions including on this thread, inextricably linked to politics. So the prospect of having at the helm of the organization a non-lawyer with common sense and advised by a staff of qualified lawyers is perfectly reasonable.
But yeah, let's make a BFD of that anywas: that fits bajo's general attitude to treating law as a sort of alchemy, propped up by the supposed huge difference between common law and civil law. (Which differences obviously do exist, and are indeed huge, but have little bearing to the point bajo makes.
See his attempt to use the difference between civil and common law to highjack the NC with regard to the presidential transition).
Speaking of democracy and institutions, the BA province K group banded together to deny Vidal her budget. By the
admission of their own people, "it's hard for us to get used to being the opposition". You don't say.
The K hubris is evident in the very name of their party. Which party
doesn't want victory? But they believe themselves
entitled to it, by any means necessary. And bajo would like to see the blackmailing, anything-but-democratic tactics of the FpV extended to the national scene. Paralyzing the government, then crowing that the government couldn't govern.
This is why people on this board are willing to take a wait-and-see attitude to Macri's hardball tactics. Because everybody here who isn't (pretending to be) deaf and dumb, understands that with these people, hardball is the
only way to play ball - as they've proven and continue to prove, time and time again.