Welcome To The Dictatorship Of Happiness

1. That big red CADENA DE FAVORES in bajo's graphic is the ultimate in subtle K fashion.

2. It's a take on ever-so-slightly-more satirical doodles, like say this one. Except being that it's humor by dodos for dodos, the paucity of words in favor of imagery, subtlety and humor kinda gets lost in transition.

3. If they do find him dead, it'll now be that because of the stink, the government reconsidered and decided to kill him. And anyways, how did they find him so quickly, unless they knew where he was from the get-go? And who else wanted him dead, if not to coverup their ineptness or corruption?

Same thing if they find them alive BTW.

The moral: you really can't win with a troll. I'm not going into the silliness about bajo being a paid shill, but he couldn't go any further if he was.
Just to give credit where credit is due, the graphic is from "El Vengador Recargado" (https://es-la.facebook.com/vengadorrecargado), an "ultra mega hiper kirchenerista space", that we "cerebros lisos" (smooth brains) should avoid reading ... :)
get dialog by all. has anybody else noticed that every other post by bajo does not have enough gramatical errors to be his. graphic artists, history lessions ???? must be a paid position with resources
There was no Constitution test for citizenship, so now I've begun my studies with the duties and powers of the president: http://www.casarosada.gob.ar/el-presidente/cargos-y-atribuciones

President Macri's speeches are transcribed here: http://www.casarosada.gob.ar/informacion/discursos
If Caligula appointed his horse as a senator, Macri can appoint Laurita Alonso as the director of the anti corruption office without being a lawyer, imo but a donkey in law,


Ben, of course I got that from a K site, where else?
It is called Kirchnerismo ilustrado.

By the way, how do you explain this:

Clap, clap, clap...

Too fishy. Do you preferit fresh or rotten recontra chequeado?

This is the opinion of a former allied of Macri:

Ups, Lanata is back, no, no, no Lanatta. I would like to know how much is he paid.

Wait, there is more dictatorship of happiness: Macri enacted a DNU giving judges the phone tappings while a law gave it to the prosecutors.

Urgency decrees needs an urgency BUT are forbidden for criminal law.
The Macri Government has got it made....All problems like blackouts can be blamed on the years without investment due to Nestor K fixed Electrical tariffs for 10 years....! All the Distribution cables and substations are rotten said one Edesur techie.
Of course, Laura Alonzo never claimed to be a lawyer, unlike some former office holders.

Seal clapper, clap, clap, clap...

BUT you needed to be a lawyer for the position. Not only in the papers, you cannot do the job without being a lawyer.

On the other hand, the President is a civil ingenier because to be a lawyer is not a requirement.
Seal clapper, clap, clap, clap...

BUT you needed to be a lawyer for the position. Not only in the papers, you cannot do the job without being a lawyer.

On the other hand, the President is a civil ingenier because to be a lawyer is not a requirement.

Why do you need to be a lawyer to investigate corruption, surely someone who can track the money, i.e. an investigative accountant would be better?

If the system is corrupt an outsider is always a better person to bring in.
Why do you need to be a lawyer to investigate corruption, surely someone who can track the money, i.e. an investigative accountant would be better?

If the system is corrupt an outsider is always a better person to bring in.

The requirement for the head of anti corruption to be a lawyer was based on a decree by a former president. Macri as president has every right to change the requirements via another decree. It's extremely simple.

I have seen sore losers in my day, but kirchneristas are probably the worst cry babies I've seen in years. As for who the kirchneristas are, read my signature.

I'm bowing out of this thread which has stooped down to such a lack of any intelligence from some posters that jake-ben's posts sound a lot less whacky (and that's saying a lot!). Boy am I glad there's an ignore facility!

Hope the rest of you have fun!