You see guys, it's all about appearances, to some. Cristina was able to fool people like Bajo and Matias into thinking she was the second coming of Eva and Peron in one body and she was doing good for everyone except those nasty, evil rich people and businessmen. For some reason they are not able to see that Macri undoing all of the problems like subsidies on power and the other economic problems the country faced was going to bring short-term problems - based on what Cristina did and Macri has to do to unravel such a mess.
They continue to think that electricity prices so low that it didn't even cover the ability to expand infrastructure is a good thing - just because the prices were so low and felt good to them. They continue to think that spending billions of dollars to keep the value of the peso at an absurdly strong level was a good thing and of course she was completely correct to commit tyranny upon the populace in terms of telling them they couldn't trade in dollars just so she could keep her fantasy going. And futbol para todos y todas - well, that is self-evidently the most important program that Macri cut, which Cristina instituted and Macri should be damned to the lowest depths of hell for all eternity!
This is the problem with people that think only about how things affect their pocket and not whether such policies are sustainable, and aren't able to think critically enough to know when someone is pulling the wool over their eyes or telling them the truth. For people who think giving things to poor people helps them, instead of building a strong economy to allow them the choice of what they want to do because there is an actual demand for workers instead of people having to find work like sharpening knives or guarding cars on a private street. Or people dreaming about finding a good job because they know someone, but in reality being sad because they don't know anyone that can get them that perfect job.
In fact, here's Matias telling us about how bad inflation is and making a snide comment about INDEC not giving out any numbers under Macri while completely skipping over the fact that Cristina was lying about those numbers using INDEC and that she destroyed INDEC's ability to give these numbers honestly. Of course, while Cristina was in office, he happily clapped about the INDEC numbers and now...well, MACRI EVIL.
Funny thing is, most of us were worried about how Macri's policies were going to affect Argentina in the short term, and we suspected it would be pretty much the way things are happening. Including businesses freaking out and raising prices - additional inflation brought about by panic instead of printing too much money and people like Bajo and Matias telling us that the end of the world has now come because Macri is an evil dictator and Cristina was Snow White the princess become queen.
But instead of Macri lying to us about what he's doing and twisting the economy so that people who look at the world as a fantasy instead of the reality will feel good about what he's doing, it's refreshing to hear him saying things like inflation (which Cristina caused, at least most of it) won't be beaten for another couple or three years.
Give me truth over lies and personal responsibility over government charity or tyranny against successful people any day of the week.