Wendy's is back...

Lee said:
Please! Do you really think that empanadas are healthy diet food? Have you tried to get a salad lately? Go to any parrilla and everything is served with fries...not exactly a light menu.

Sure...Wendy is a redhead and as such is open to ridicule by that alone but to blame any restaurant for a person's lack of self control or inability to make sound nutritional choices is simply absurd.

You don't actually expect people to take responsibility for overeating and not exercising now do you?

Also while nutritional choices do play a role, if you eat too much salad you still get fat, calories in, calories out, that's the real formula!

The people who are really obese don't get that way over night, they have to try for years to reach that state.
Lee said:
It is always funny to see fat people at a salad bar thinking that they are being so healthy getting a salad and then putting a ton of fatty dressing on it! Delusional much?

Don't forget the Diet Coke!
Just walked by there after getting out of a movie at the Multiplex on Mendoza. It was 11:00 Sunday night and the line was out the freak'n door. Literally. They had security keeping people lined up like it was Asia de Cuba five years ago or something. Really? Give me a break! I mean I wanted my chocolate blizzard, but come on!
Seriously!! U really have people freaking out about not getting into a fast food joint??? Is this Moskava when the 1st McDonalds showed up?
What is amazing ..at all fast food joints: Fat F$@ks ordering around 3000 + calories "meals" with 1/1.5 liter diet cokes!! I have seen it in soooo many countries. I find it amazing that people... people are so... so ....soooo..
Not so amazed at how fat they are..
cbphoto said:
What is amazing ..at all fast food joints: Fat F$@ks ordering around 3000 + calories "meals" with 1/1.5 liter diet cokes!! I have seen it in soooo many countries. I find it amazing that people... people are so... so ....soooo..
Not so amazed at how fat they are..
I disagree. I think the bigger question is why anybody wold ever drink regular coke. If you are going to splurge very occasionally and have a 3000 calorie meal it is even more ridiculous to make a large % of those calories from a sugary soft drink --- at least get some food from your binge. Let's see ---- I can have a regular coke or a piece of chocolate cake ---- that's a no-brainer for me at least.
rcmedia said:
Argentina is a gastronomical powerhouse compared to Sweden... unless you consider endless Tunnbröd culinary heaven.

You must know a different Sweden than I as the food there blows me away every time I visit. Just spent New years there with my husband's family (Alingsas, Skovde) and eating out with friends in Gothenburg. One absolutely memorable plate of seafood bisque with grilled half lobster and salmon, aioli and rosemary bread to accompany too many fantastic meals to mention.

Sorry to be off thread but someone has to defend the poor Swedes from such an attack:eek:
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