What Are You Watching On Netflix? Was It Any Good?

Started Narcos last night. About the drug cartels.

And the verdict please?

Meanwhile I liked Bloodlines and Rectify. Both are evocative location and character driven crime dramas. I recently finished all seasons of The West Wing. A great "Intro to US Politics" for those of us who have never taken PoliSci101.
On the recommends here we started Narcos, it's entertaining but the dialogue is stilted -- the writing is not great. Too much reliance on narration -- a calling card of drug movies used with varying success -- ie Goodfellas without narration wouldn't have been Goodfellas, it added so much to the movie -- but poorly written narration intercut with poor dialogue makes Narcos kind of clunky. Anyway it's only 10 episodes and first episodes of any series are almost always kind of clunky, so we will keep watching and perhaps it will improve. It's more than decent but I'm not yet totally sold as there have been so many treatments of the subject that the bar is set pretty high. I have watched parts of the Escobar telenovela and I think the actor in that was a better Escobar, though the telenovela format is a bit much for me and the 100+ episodes mean a big commitment so I've only got about 5 episodes in on that.
Pablo Escobar speaking Spanish with a Brazilian accent killed it for me.
I really struggled with Escobar particularly since English subs weren't available.
Narcos is dammed good and I like the switching between languages.
The wealth of Escobar has to be repeated to be believed.
Narcos that good huh? my grandma has been raving about it for a while... I guess it's time to give in and watch. I don't speak Spanish so this is going to be fun haha
It's weird, but even though my Spanish sucks and I find it hard to watch local TV, the Spanish in Narcos was somehow way easier to understand for me.