What Are You Watching On Netflix? Was It Any Good?

The only issue with Vietnam is that the USA caused millions of people to lose their lives, their limbs, their sanity, their health and anyone that stood against that is a hero in my book.
The only issue with Vietnam is that the USA caused millions of people to lose their lives, their limbs, their sanity, their health and anyone that stood against that is a hero in my book.

Don't forget The Vietnamese Baby Book: http://tinyurl.com/of5ldqp (summary only; original sadly unavailable online).
The only issue with Vietnam is that the USA caused millions of people to lose their lives, their limbs, their sanity, their health and anyone that stood against that is a hero in my book.
Yes Vietnam was wrong in every way. Standing against it was the right thing and we did it and it was effective. However Hanoi Jane's actions were despicable, murderous to our own GIs and POWs and fulfilled her personal agenda of generating publicity for Jane, not anti war.
Jane Fonda was an interesting character in The Newsroom, which was a thoroughly enjoyable series, particularly the opening ten minutes.
Shame it hasn't made a return.
The Atari story is fascinating and I love the tongue in cheek way it's been put together.