I also read that once the symptoms of coronvirus become well known, many New Yorkers reported that they had experienced weird flus in November and December with these same characteristics. Funny you report this experience: for my part, on 20 January I passed through Melbourne airport busy with incoming flights from China (six days later they shut down those flights) and 16 days later came down with a very unusual gripe which took a while to shake. And several weeks later my toes went red and swollen, which I subsequently read is an (often delayed) symptom or side effect (Covid toe). It made me wonder, as does the information now about your October experience; it made me think of another nasty flu I had late last year here and, consulting my medical notes, I now see I was down the whole of November with a particularly nasty episode. I suppose I should get an antibody test, although both potential bouts are now months in the past. It would be interesting to know, although it wouldn't change anything, given that it is far from clear that people can't be reinfected.