What Food From Your Home Country Did The Argentinians Ruin?

Being of Italian ascendance I usually cook 3/4 of those dishes at home.

nikad-san. Iam trying to define your articulate definition of "ascendance" meaning these below ? _the state of being in the governing or controlling influence such as domination._
"Today it's still a key ingredient in chili con carne, along with chili powder, which, according to Walsh, is a uniquely Texan invention developed by a German immigrant in New Braunfels in the late 1890s." Yes just blame everything on us Germans ...

Then also the "Hambergers" too, the then king of Hamburg, Germany invented the sandwich-esque morsel as I being told. How about it germano-san?
I'm taking note of all the countries you guys and girls are from. One day I'll travel to each country on my list and I'll become the whiniest person ever to visit that country. I'll always have one little obnoxious complaint about everything: food, clothes, public transport, security. Oh, and I'll come back here and let you know. Wait and see. Oh, payback...
"Today it's still a key ingredient in chili con carne, along with chili powder, which, according to Walsh, is a uniquely Texan invention developed by a German immigrant in New Braunfels in the late 1890s." Yes just blame everything on us Germans ...

You guys invented chili powder - and without y'all, Texas wouldn't have some of the best sausage in the world as well! I'd take that kind of blame all day long...

BTW - two separate things. Not saying chili powder is used in sausages. :D
I'm taking note of all the countries you guys and girls are from. One day I'll travel to each country on my list and I'll become the whiniest person ever to visit that country.

Sorry, but that's our national sport. Someone may argue that's soccer. But it.is.a.lie.

The whiny Italian (one of the 60 mln)
I'm taking note of all the countries you guys and girls are from. One day I'll travel to each country on my list and I'll become the whiniest person ever to visit that country. I'll always have one little obnoxious complaint about everything: food, clothes, public transport, security. Oh, and I'll come back here and let you know. Wait and see. Oh, payback...

I've always wondered why an Argentine would continue to read what foreigners trying to adjust to their country have to say if it bothers them so much. I know I certainly never went on to forums for foreigners in the States trying to to adjust to life there to see what they thought of us and our food, clothes or what-have-you... :D
You guys invented chili powder - and without y'all, Texas wouldn't have some of the best sausage in the world as well! [...]
and it would not have the famous wurstfest in New Braunfels, or the Spoetzl brewery in Shiner ...