Recoleta runs from Coronel Diaz N to Callao S. That's technically Retiro, very much downtown, not a residential neighborhood anymore. Walk past the RR stations towards the bus terminal and you'll see the reason for those garage doors (use google street view for a safer experience)[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]In my barrio Recoleta-South, between Cerrito and Callao,[/background]
Today, I paid $19.00 for 1 red pepper at a produce store. Gift wrap extra.
the price of vegetables is ridiculous. There's an old time market in Arenales y Libertad hidden next to the pescaderia that sells exclusively trout and salmon. I now prepare my cash in small bills and coins before I buy vegetables and ask for some courtsy parsley or even celery after I used all the money I had in display. It works because unlike the chain stores, the grocer appreciates being paid in cash and knows half the produce goes to waste anyway. Sometimes I also have the gall to ask for avocados that are way after their prime. The half you can salvage has the same nutty flavor as American Restaurant guacamole. Delicious.