What Is Peronism?

Are you a Peronist?

  • Yes, I'm a Peronist

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • No, I'm not a Peronist BUT I sympathize with their goals

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I'm NOT a Peronist and I do NOT believe in Peronism

    Votes: 9 56.3%
  • I don't know what Peronism is

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • I have no opinion

    Votes: 1 6.3%

  • Total voters
well I heard the same joke in Italy in no relation with Argentina and well after Mussolini's death. Maybe Peron plagiarized it while in Spain or it might have been the other way around, but I was sure it was an Italian joke.
well I heard the same joke in Italy in no relation with Argentina and well after Mussolini's death. Maybe Peron plagiarized it while in Spain or it might have been the other way around, but I was sure it was an Italian joke.

It's probable that we are both right ! :cool:
Peronism simply put is the cancer that holds Argentina back.

It is the make work nature of AFIP/Aduana, the nepotism of Aerolineas and The Campora, the "with us or against Argentina" approach of the government, and many more ills to boot.

It presents itself as a populist, socially liberal, economically statist idealogy when in practice it has been an authoritarian mismanaged neoliberal neptocratic mess where the people get screwed and oppressed, and the leaders, members of congress, senators, governors and Peronjugend allies prosper with government largesse and cronyism.

But I degress, for a clear definition of what Peronism is, the best answer maybe what its not: a well thought out way to run a country. Just ask Argentina's neighbors if they believe in it.
soy peronista, es un sentimiento, no puedo parar

they all look so meek, particularly La Doñita, or maybe she had some bad oysters?
Pizza or peronismo? (more wisdom from the pizza thread):
'Does it really matter? It's all the same crap anyway, just in different shapes'
'There are plenty of people out there who believe that if something is colorful, popular, and cheap, that it *must* be good.'
'The only thing consistent is the inconsistency'
'I just expect it to fall apart at some point so I keep my expectations as low as possible'
'[it is] the best for an argie because of their mind-set, always thinking they are the best and know everything better than others and not willing to try new things'
'If theres a way to cheapen the quality [or] cut corners... they do it.'
'they just don't know any better the poor bastards.'
'No sé si voy a sacar el país del problema económico. Pero seguro que voy a hacer un país más divertido' - Carlos Menem

y Menem lo hizo:

'La Ferrari es mía, mía, mía…'
'Soy un admirador de Borges, y he leído todas sus novelas'
'Pende sobre nuestras cabezas la espada de Penélope'
'Yo leí todas las obras de Sócrates'
'Atravesaremos la estratósfera y en dos horas estaremos en Japón'