I'm a freelance web developer (newleafdigital.com), specialized in Drupal for several years, now pivoting to Node.js. I used to get most of my work through the Drupal community (monthly meetups in Boston, semi-annual conferences) and word-of-mouth referrals. Moving here took away the in-person networking (the Drupal community here is small, and I want US-based clients for the better pay and to avoid Argentine taxes). Switching to a new specialty would be difficult even back in the US, but so far it's working out. I tend to get a big project one month, then the next month I might travel for a week, do a lot of learning/side projects/R&D, then I get another project, so it balances out over time (but is also very unstable/unpredictable). I also have a startup web business
(antiquesnearme.com) that I work on, but that's still in the bootstrap phase.
I did find some great Ruby developers that I co-work with occasionally. The formal coworking spaces like Urban Station are way too expensive, but if there are other web/software developers on here who want to do casual coworking - pick a cafe for a day and work / share ideas / talk about common challenges - I'm always up for that.
(Also if anyone else is in a similar line of work, there's actually a Javascript/Node.js conference here in BA next weekend - jsconf.com.ar - which I'm very excited about.)