Where is the cheapest place to buy bulk grains and beans?


Mar 31, 2021
Where is the cheapest place to buy bulk flour, rice, dried beans, etc?
Thanks for your help!
it's not a small organic shop per se, it's a small corner rented by about 4 or 5 different sellers. some of them are cooperatives that bring and sell their own produce and dairy / meat a few days a week and others buy directly from producers in bulk and sell in bulk, so bypassing the middleman and paying low rent allows them to lower the prices. any other health store in BsAs charges between 25%-50% more. and in general the grains and beans are dirt cheap in argentina, so paying a few pennies more to avoid monsanto poison in your food doesn't make a big dent in the budget...
it's not a small organic shop per se, it's a small corner rented by about 4 or 5 different sellers. some of them are cooperatives that bring and sell their own produce and dairy / meat a few days a week and others buy directly from producers in bulk and sell in bulk, so bypassing the middleman and paying low rent allows them to lower the prices. any other health store in BsAs charges between 25%-50% more. and in general the grains and beans are dirt cheap in argentina, so paying a few pennies more to avoid monsanto poison in your food doesn't make a big dent in the budget...
Perfect...I'm just use to the USA where putting the words organic or health or natural on a product doubles the price, hahahaha
Perfect...I'm just use to the USA where putting the words organic or health or natural on a product doubles the price, hahahaha
yep, that's why I buy in these place - I know the producers for more than a decade and i trust them - they are not in in for money and they barely make the ends meet, but they believe in health benefits of it and try to reserve the nature. Cecopaf prices are a bit higher, but their stuff comes from Naturaleza Viva in Santa Fe and the quality is exceptional.
Depending on "bulk" needs and convenience...

I recently went over to the closest dietetica and asked if they could place my order (somewhere around 30 kilos, presented as a list of maybe a dozen different items) and paid a reserve in cash and the rest via transfer. Luckily the owner was placing an order for the store so my order was just added to the replenishment. A couple days later I hauled it all out of there. Was the price the absolute best? I don't know, but the convenience of it all couldn't have been beaten any other way.

I would suggest asking the few closest ones if they can place your order and call you to pick it up.
Take the train to "Centro de Transbordo de Liniers." Three blocks from that station are a few interconnected blocks of bulk grain, spice, legume and all other sort of products for kitchen/home. Cheapest prices I have found for such goods.

While there, have lunch at "El Ferroviario." You won't regret it.