Where's a Good Small Town to Ride Out the Storm?

Personally, I've grown tired of all this self-preservation paranoia - am reaching the point where I almost wish to get the virus right now, and be done with it.

Happy bunkering, you all.....!
It might actually be better to get it now since there are probably ventilators available... Not recommending this though...
That's a lovely place. Did you sell the adjoining lots?
Thanks, and no, I didn´t sell the adjoining lot (or the lot behind the house with the galpon) as no expats wanted what I had to offer: a place to survive the zombie apocalypse...or the upcoming grand solar minimum, which (even without covid - 19) will have a significant impact on food production and prices.

That´s why I´m still...

And if that "friend" is even half as attractive as Keira Knightley, she won´t have to buy any property...

PS: This is by far my favorite "end of the world" movie, and I think I´ve seen ´em all.
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For anyone searching for a town to ride out the flu, I can recommend Azul, a lovely small town about five hours from CABA. It has clean air, some "sierras", some crystal clear sand-bottom streams, friendly people, and no tourists - they all flock to Tandil.

It is also about half as expensive as BA. I was there about five years ago, and decided that if I ever got short of $$ I'd move there.
I'm have an apartment up to October 1st. I'm hoping I might escape to the campo then. Find a small house where I can do some vegetable gardening. I'm thinking tourist towns like Villa General Belgrano, etc might be a good choice because they are used to Yanquis and other foreigners. Are there any issues with food supplies in these small towns?
I thought "General Belgrano" was on ruta 29, and "Villa General Belgrano" was south of Cordoba. But maybe both of em get called either name.
I stopped for lunch in General Belgrano, and, its kinda cute, but I think you would get bored real fast.

Me, I would live five minutes outside of Tandil.
Everything you can need is right there in town. Hospital, every kind of supply, store, or food. But Tandil is still small town feeling, and its clean and nice. And just outside, you could have some rural space, and still be close as you need to be.
Maybe your ideal hideaway town is in the Provincia de Buenos Aires.. Plenty of small towns to choose from within a 2 hour van trip from BA. Why go thousands of km. away ? Just sayin..!