Who Will Be Elected President In 2015?

Yes Pauper, I'm very aware that these are the mid term elections, I participated in the voting today, thanks for reminding me. My point was that there could be a surprise candidate for the 2015 presidency. Yes today it's the mid terms , next is the October elections then we home run to the 2015. I don't know if you are aware of the fact that Massa is positioning himself as a candidate for the 2015 presidential. My little trumpet only came out cause no one else even mentioned Massa as a 'possibility' for 2015 back in June.
Yes I do know that - I may be on BAExpats but that doesn't mean I read BA Herald opinion pieces to inform myself. He was already making those manoevres, trailblazing in the polls and being talked about in glowing terms before June, hardly Nostradamus stuff is it? Anyway lets make a pact to revive this thread in 2015 which is what the predictions were actually for.

...and I'll give you a juicy one just to make it interesting - if Massa and Scioli face off in 2015, Scioli will get more votes.
Interesting Pauper, I read..I just have my doubts... anyone who doesn't cut ties with the queen NOW is committing political suicide in my view...she's on a downward spiral & I'd say that by early 2015 she would have completed her hatchet job on the economy...my prediction is that in October the Ks would loose more seats in the senate & congress, after that it's a downhill slide for Kreti & gang....jail will be threatening her more than before..Scioli would be smart to jump now, immediately...that's my two cents worth...so no, I don't think Scioli would survive against Massa if he keeps holding the queens hand. Massa's political chess move was very well calculated, he pulled away just in time. I was looking to see where you may have commented on Massa's glowing record before June..maybe I missed it.
Quite clearly the K ideological 'experiment' has been shown up as the fraud that it really is.
Not long ago we were all asking ourselves 'Where's the opposition?'
Well, now that the opposition have finally shown their hand, the momentum will surely carry them through in October.
But two more years? What further damage can they inflict on this country on their way out?
That should worry all of us in the way that an injured animal will instinctively lash out.
If UNEN have any sense they will try and convince Massa to ditch Macri and run with them in the city. The soft centre left might appeal to some who won't touch Macri as he is, in the eyes of some, too far to the right.

UNEN + Massa + 1 or two strays out in the provinces might just be enough.

Biggest shame for me was seeing Binner consolidating his position in Sante Fe. I have family involved in public sector work in the province and there is no money left to do anything, all the available funds are spent on creating an unwieldy jobs for the boys public sector employment scheme. Where once there were 2 departments now there are 20. Funds aimed at infrastrcuture development are now wasted on bureaucracy. Underinvestment in infrastructure and corruption will plague Sante Fe until Binner can be shifted. His grip is firm tho, would love to see a real challenger in Sante Fe emerge.
Sometimes I feel like the lone lefty American Expat on here...

I know it's not possible but I still hope for a socialist/green leaning opponent to the K/Peronist factions who could actually win. I know it's not possible,
but I still hope.

Now back to reality, CFK isn't going to run again/have the constitution changed so she can. If you think that/say that it's just fear mongering and I'm sure it would make a great campaign line for someone like Macri or Massa (I still think Massa is more pragmatic than Macri who is just an ideologue, not the Christina isn't, but people strive so hard to be anti-K they often don't create an identity of themselves other than "I'm not her" or as the sleaze bag Narváez put it "Ella o vos".) This means, in my opinion, we're going to see some infighting among the right wingers/neoliberals which will give even a white bread candidate from FpV a chance at taking the Presidency.

The more I think about it, the more I believe it's the perfect storm of a cult of personality that's been created, one that will polarize, as others have said, the opposition from even being able to unite. Whether this is because of unchecked egos, fighting over who is more anti-K, or who is liked more by the press will be seen in the coming months.

I'll take a shitty/mediocre FpV president over the neoliberals anyday, though I'm not pro or anti K, I just realize my faction will not get in anytime soon.
I was looking to see where you may have commented on Massa's glowing record before June..maybe I missed it.

No, I said he was being talked about in glowing terms, meaning in the media not on this forum. Its been clear for some time that he has been ordained the dirty Peronista most likely to get rid of those other dirty Peronistas. If the question was instead about who would emerge in the mid terms I assume his name would've been mentioned here.