Who Will Be Elected President In 2015?

I just need to say that "economical" is being used incorrectly! (Sorry to nitpick, but as a TEFL certified English Teacher, I can't hold back any longer.)

Economical: (Definition)
  • Giving good value or service in relation to the amount of money, time, or effort spent.
  • Careful not to waste money or resources.
Used in sentences:
-"T[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]he Rodriguez family's new car is very economical."[/background]
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]-"After doing the numbers, Juan Ramirez decided that it was more economical for him to take 8 years to earn his degree by working full time and taking 2 classes per semester at the UBA than to take out loans in order to attend UCA and finish in 5 years with a load of debt. Because 3 years after graduating from UCA, Juan would still have a mountain of debt and the difference in his salary wouldn't justify the decision."[/background]

Economic: (Definition)
  • Of or relating to economics or the economy.
  • Justified in terms of profitability.
Used in sentences:
-"T[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]here were many economic sanctions."[/background]
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]-"So they were in a position where they could put* economic[/background] sanctions, like not receiving a penny of Marshall plans..."

*The word "use" would be better here, but "place" is sometimes used. For example "The UN threatened to place economic sanctions on North Korea if they did not allow UN inspectors to visit their nuclear reactors."

[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]Sorry, to derail the discussion, but I felt that this was a vocabulary issue that should be addressed.[/background]
Thank you all for making me feel better about my country. We have problems too, but my goodness . . .
I just need to say that "economical" is being used incorrectly! (Sorry to nitpick, but as a TEFL certified English Teacher, I can't hold back any longer.)

Economical: (Definition)
  • Giving good value or service in relation to the amount of money, time, or effort spent.
  • Careful not to waste money or resources.
Used in sentences:
-"T[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]he Rodriguez family's new car is very economical."[/background]
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]-"After doing the numbers, Juan Ramirez decided that it was more economical for him to take 8 years to earn his degree by working full time and taking 2 classes per semester at the UBA than to take out loans in order to attend UCA and finish in 5 years with a load of debt. Because 3 years after graduating from UCA, Juan would still have a mountain of debt and the difference in his salary wouldn't justify the decision."[/background]

Economic: (Definition)
  • Of or relating to economics or the economy.
  • Justified in terms of profitability.
Used in sentences:
-"T[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]here were many economic sanctions."[/background]
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]-"So they were in a position where they could put* economic[/background] sanctions, like not receiving a penny of Marshall plans..."

*The word "use" would be better here, but "place" is sometimes used. For example "The UN threatened to place economic sanctions on North Korea if they did not allow UN inspectors to visit their nuclear reactors."

[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]Sorry, to derail the discussion, but I felt that this was a vocabulary issue that should be addressed.[/background]
Wye due wee half two bee awl weighs write?
Looks like I picked the horse correctly back in June...looks like Tigre's Massa is ahead in the count for la provincia at this early point in time...not that I would vote for him.
Looks like I picked the horse correctly back in June...looks like Tigre's Massa is ahead in the count for la provincia at this early point in time...not that I would vote for him.

dunno if Unen can get behind the winners of their preliminaries and combine the votes they got, things could get interesting.
jeje - very sneaky, but you'll have to put your trumpet away for a couple of years yet. The question (and your reply) was regarding the presidential elections in 2015 not the mid term primaries.